Lynn Buckley
Lynn studied a Doctor of Philosophy in Law, with her research focussing on Company Law and Corporate Governance. Her PhD has now secured her in a role as a lecturer in the Department of Commercial Law at the University of Auckland's Business School.

The professional and academic staff care deeply about the programme and the doctoral students in it. As a result, the programme is a wonderful place to pursue a doctoral degree in law.
I chose to study at Auckland Law School as it is renowned for its subject matter expertise in environmental and corporate law. Its focus on these areas afforded me the opportunity to research under the guidance of wonderful supervisors who are leaders in their academic fields. Additionally, I was fortunate to receive a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship, without which I would not have been in a position to undertake full-time doctoral study.
The PhD cohort is also incredibly kind and welcoming – we support each other which makes the doctoral journey a lot less lonely. The professional and academic staff care deeply about the programme and the doctoral students in it. As a result, the programme is a wonderful place to pursue a doctoral degree in law.
My doctoral thesis explored the scope of directors’ duty to act in good faith and in the best interests of the company in Aotearoa New Zealand, with a view to understanding the implications of the duty for environmental consideration in director decision-making. This thesis was placed on the Dean’s List for academic excellence, no doubt in part thanks to the incredible supervision and support I received at the Law School.
On completion of the PhD, I secured a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at University of Auckland Business School. From there I moved into my current role as a Lecturer in company law and corporate governance based in the Department of Commercial Law at the Business School. I have been fortunate to have such an exciting start to my academic career, which I have undoubtedly been afforded thanks to the knowledge and skills gained during my doctoral degree.