Hayden Vickers
For Hayden, the Master of Taxation Studies provided valuable technical expertise and networking opportunities.

Key facts
Programme: Master of Taxation Studies
Specialisation: Taxation Law
Career: Tax Consultant at EY
“I had a strong interest in the topic after majoring in Taxation in my undergraduate degree (BCom/BProp conjoint) and wanted to deepen my understanding of the topic.
“There have been two major benefits for me, aside from the amount I have learnt from a technical perspective. Firstly, the programme is valuable from a networking perspective as it enables you to broaden your networks and meet tax professionals from a range of different backgrounds with different levels of experience (such as students, legal practitioners, Inland Revenue representatives/officials and tax professionals from overseas, small accounting firms and larger professional services firms).
“Another major benefit is that the programme teaches you to think critically about certain issues and to approach an issue from the perspective of different stakeholders (e.g. from a policy perspective, practical perspective, commercial perspective etc). This enables you to think differently about certain issues which adds value in the work that I do as a Tax Consultant in the International Tax Services Team at EY.
“The skills I have learned throughout the MTaxS programme have benefited my current role in number of ways. It has given me a broad understanding of the how the different areas of tax (such international tax, tax avoidance, corporate tax, non-corporate tax etc) work and how they fit into New Zealand’s tax system. This has helped me to see the ‘bigger picture’ when advising clients on specific and complex areas of law and how solving one problem may have a flow-on effect and cause another problem down the track.
“The skills I have learned throughout the MTaxS programme have benefited my current role in number of ways. It has given me a broad understanding of the how the different areas of tax (such international tax, tax avoidance, corporate tax, non-corporate tax etc) work and how they fit into New Zealand’s tax system.
“Additionally, the MTaxS course has taught me to think critically about complex tax problems and to think about issues from the perspective of different stakeholders (i.e. a technical perspective, policy perspective, commercial perspective). It has also taught me effective research skills which are critical to my current role.
“I would recommend this Masters programme for three main reasons; to broaden your network within New Zealand’s tax profession, to broaden your understanding of different areas of tax law and to learn to think critically from the perspective of different stakeholders about complex tax problems.”