Hai Ly Bui
Hai Ly Bui is a PhD candidate at the Auckland Law School. She was awarded the Professor Brian Coote Memorial Scholarship.

I chose to pursue my doctoral study at the Auckland Law School because of its exciting research initiatives, especially in the fields of international comparative law and legal theories.
The doctoral programme is designed so my supervisors can strike a great balance between letting me work independently on my project and giving me timely suggestions where necessary, which I find extremely valuable.
Based on the diversity of the faculty members’ research backgrounds, I believed the Auckland Law School would provide me with the intensive and vibrant research environment that I was seeking.
The law school regularly organises lecture seminars with leading scholars in legal fields. Thanks to this, I can get engaged with open and cutting-edge intellectual discussions on law and legal orders around the world, from global to local perspectives.
As an international student studying here, I have found it a very welcoming environment. It's been easy to settle in and start my studies.