Ash Zhang

Ash is currently studying a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and a Bachelor of Commerce conjoint degree.

Ash Zhang
Ash Zhang

What motivated me to choose the University of Auckland for my studies is the reputation that the University of Auckland holds compared to other universities in New Zealand. Additionally, as New Zealand’s best law school, this would be an invaluable opportunity to get the best education. 

The aspect of my programme that are most valuable to me is the high-quality education that the University of Auckland provides, whether it is within my Commerce degree or Law degree, the curriculum that the University provides is comprehensive and allows me to develop a deep understanding of core concepts, theories, and practical applications relevant to my degrees. 

What I enjoy most about my studies is the opportunity to learn from expert lecturers and professors. Their extensive knowledge, expertise, and experience in their career fields allow me to gain an in-depth understanding of principles and practical applications, which will be invaluable for my studies and future career. 

My plan for my future career is to enter commercial law, hopefully specialising in intellectual property and media law. My degree can help me there by providing the legal knowledge required to understand complex topics. The University of Auckland provides the opportunity and freedom to explore many specialised fields or focus on specific legal specialisations in-depth. 

My advice for those considering moving to study at the University of Auckland would be to research the degree/degrees, especially the course requirements, as it is important to understand the courses you must take each year. Additionally, my biggest advice would be to join clubs in your first year, within and outside your degrees, as it is a good opportunity to make new friends and gain knowledge from more senior students.