Research Images category

Learn more about entering the Research Images category in the School of Graduate Studies Research Showcase.

To enter this category, you will need to create an image that has a strong visual impact and communicates the story of your research. It can be any image you have created, such as a photograph, painting, drawing, an image captured using laboratory equipment, or created using software. 

If your submission is shortlisted, you will be invited to display the image in the showcase exhibition.

Applications close on Friday 4 October 2024.



$750 voucher


$500 voucher

People’s Choice Award

$300 voucher

Judging criteria

Winning entries will be selected by a panel of judges invited by the School of Graduate Studies.

Judges will assess the image based on:

  • Visual Impact: Composition, colour/lighting, presentation
  • Emotional Impact: Originality, distinctiveness and Wow Factor
  • Representation of Research: How well the image communicates a story and relates to the research it represents

Training and resources

Terms and Conditions

  1. Entry is open to currently enrolled doctoral candidates.
  2. The School of Graduate Studies will print your research image in A2 format (four times the size of A4), so it needs to be submitted as a high resolution digital file.  
  3. Only one entry per person per category is allowed.
  4. To enter, an entry form must be submitted. A jpeg image file must be placed in Web DropOff Box and a link pasted into the entry form by the given deadline.
  5. The judges’ decision is final.
  6. All entrants must ensure that they are the original creator of the image.
  7. The image must not have been published elsewhere, nor entered into any other competitions.
  8. Entrants must declare that consent has been given by any person featured in an image.
  9. By submitting your image, you consent to it appearing online on Figshare
  10. The School of Graduate Studies reserves the right to review the image and ask entrants to modify the image to ensure it meets University of Auckland health and safety policy, research ethics guidelines and equity policy, or to preserve the entrant’s intellectual property rights.
  11. If there are fewer than five entries in the Research Image category, the People's Choice voting will not be opened.