Academic Poster category

Learn more about entering the Academic Poster category in the School of Graduate Studies Research Showcase.

To enter this category, you will need to create a poster that communicates your research to a general audience. You will be invited to display the poster in the showcase exhibition if your submission is shortlisted.

Candidates from faculties running poster competitions (i.e. the Faculty of Science) should submit via your faculty’s poster competition. Shortlisted entries from these faculty poster competitions will automatically be entered into the Academic Poster category of the SGS Research Showcase.

Applications close on Friday 4 October 2024.



$1,000 voucher


$750 voucher

People’s Choice Award

$300 voucher

Spot prizes

Spot prizes will be awarded for creative design, research impact, provisional year candidate submissions and enthusiastic poster presentations.

Judging criteria

The key is to strike a balance between academic content and presentation of the work to a broad audience. Winning entries will be selected by a panel of judges invited by the School of Graduate Studies.

Posters will be judged on three criteria:

  • Academic content
  • Design
  • Appeal to a broad audience
Download the full judging criteria below.

Training and resources


Online resources

Terms and Conditions

  1. Entry is open to currently enrolled doctoral candidates.
  2. Only one entry per person per category is allowed.
  3. All entrants must ensure that they are the original first author of the poster.
  4. Posters must be static. No moving images with the help of a smartphone or tablet will be allowed.  
  5. To enter, an entry form should be submitted with PDF file by the deadline provided.
  6. Shortlisted candidates will be notified and then must submit a hard copy of their poster (up to A1 size) for display. 
  7. Shortlisted candidates are liable for the costs incurred for the printing. PReSS accounts may be used for printing posters.
  8. The judges’ decision is final.
  9. Electronic posters will be displayed online on Figshare
  10. The School of Graduate Studies reserves the right to review the item and ask entrants to modify the poster to ensure it meets University of Auckland health and safety policy, research ethics guidelines and equity policy, or to preserve the entrant’s intellectual property rights.