Information for new doctoral candidates

Explore the valuable resources available to you as you begin your research journey as a new candidate on a PhD or named doctorate.

ClockTower mosaic floor.

Doctoral Development Framework

The Doctoral Development Framework helps candidates plan their training and development holistically.

Pānui tonu | Read more
Four students brainstorming on a clear board.

Make the most of your time here by taking part in some of the valuable opportunities open to doctoral candidates throughout the year.

Kimihia me pēhea | Find out how
Two candidates sit in front of a laptop at a campus cafe.

This useful guide for all new students will help get you up to speed on transport concessions, your campus card, locker hire and more.

Pānui tonu | Read more

Wahapū is the University's digital system for doctoral candidature management.

Tēnā tirohia | Check it out