Guidelines for students travelling overseas

Travel registration, insurance information and risk advice for students travelling overseas on University activities.

University student activity travel refers to funded and self-funded international travel for any sub-doctoral student activity: 

  • undertaken to fulfil a requirement for academic progress at the University, or 
  • organised and/or supported by the University, or
  • endorsed by 360 International and directly related to the student’s professional/academic development 

University student activity travel does not include activities organised solely by a student or group of students unless they otherwise meet the above definition of University student activities.

Any requests from individual students or faculties about supporting learning abroad activities and sub-doctoral student travel can be directed to

Registering University Student Activity Travel

All University Student Activity Travel involving international travel is required to be registered with 360 International, for the purpose of risk management and ensuring students have appropriate insurance coverage and information relative to their travel itinerary. This includes University Student Activity Travel that is University-funded and booked through Orbit, as well as student-funded travel activities supported by a University faculty, department or service division. Programme information collected through the registration process also contributes to the University's annual reports on learning abroad participation. 

Staff members supporting overseas University student travel activities, are advised to contact 360 International early in the planning process to advise that a trip will be taking place. 

University-funded travel insurance

The University of Auckland provides international travel insurance to students with approved University student activity travel for programmes less than 90 days, which meet the conditions for eligibility of coverage under the University Student Activity Travel Terms and Conditions.

Key terms & conditions: 

  • Travel must be registered in advance with 360 International.
  • The University will cover the cost of the insurance coverage for the duration of the overseas programme, transit to/from the host country, and up to 14 personal days, for a maximum of 90 days. 
  • Students with itineraries which include more than 14 personal days and/or more than 90 days total, must cover the additional cost to insure the trip through the University's insurer, which will be advised upon registration. 
  • Insurance is not available for one-way journeys. Itinerary details submitted must show flights departing from and returning to New Zealand. 

For more detailed information, along with the The University Premier Corporate Travel Insurance Policy Schedule and Policy Wording, and other supporting documentation, please visit University Student Activity Travel Terms and Conditions.

Healix International

Travel itinerary and accommodation details for all approved University student activity travel, including semester exchange participants, will be shared with the University’s global travel risk management and emergency assistance provider, Healix International. This will be shared through the Healix Sentinel platform. Itinerary details loaded into the Healix Sentinel platform will be used to send travellers pre-trip risk advice and to send security and risk alerts to relevant parties, for incidents which may impact a traveller's health and safety while abroad. In the event of a serious incident or emergency, Healix International will contact all potentially impacted travellers to confirm their safety and provide assistance, if required.

The Healix TravelOracle app also provides two-way communication, which may be used by travellers covered under the University student activity travel insurance terms & conditions to request emergency assistance while abroad if required.

Semester exchange participants

All students studying on exchange through 360 International, for a semester length or longer, are required to have comprehensive travel and medical insurance coverage for the entire duration of their time outside of New Zealand.

As a comprehensive travel insurance product, we recommend the Studentsafe Outbound policy. The University’s insurance broker, Marsh Ltd., offers University of Auckland students a 25% discount on standard retail rates on the Studentsafe Outbound policy underwritten by Allianz, with promocode 360OSE.

Proof of insurance coverage and full flight itinerary details must be provided to the 360 International office prior to departure.

High Performance Support Programme travel

High performance athletes intending on taking part in high level sporting competitions overseas who have received support from the High-Performance Support Programme, whether academic, financial, or otherwise, are required to submit details regarding their international travel plans and insurance coverage prior to departure.

High performance sport travellers must have comprehensive travel and health insurance in place for the entire duration of their trip, purchased privately, or covered by the National Sporting Organisation, with appropriate coverage for any professional sport undertaken during travel. Students travelling to partake in professional sporting activities are not eligible for coverage under the University’s travel insurance policy.

For more information, please contact Toby Batchelor.

Other overseas travel

University of Auckland students who travel outside of New Zealand, without support from the 360 International Office, must understand that this would be considered personal travel and they are travelling abroad at their own responsibility. 

The University strongly encourages all staff and students to follow current Government travel advice as is state on the Safe Travel website. Please also take note of key considerations for international travel while the Covid-19 pandemic remains ongoing. 

Additional considerations are outlined on the Student travel considerations, risks and responsibilities page.

Insurance is available with a number of commercial providers for students arranging personal travel. The University’s insurance broker, Marsh Ltd., offers University of Auckland students a 25% discount on standard retail rates of a comprehensive travel insurance policy underwritten by Allianz. Two policies are available in this offer. You can use the links to view the policy coverage, run a quote (using the Promo code: 360OSE) and buy online:

If you proceed with either of these policies, immediate confirmation of cover will be emailed to you after your successful purchase.

Travel risk advice

The official source of travel risk advice is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (MFAT) SafeTravel website.

For tips on accessing risk advice, follow the Traveller checklist for University student activity travel.

University contacts

If you have any questions, you can contact