Scholarships for Māori students
University of Auckland Māori Academic Excellence Scholarship
A Scholarship to recognise and reward exceptional Māori tauira entering the first year of an undergraduate degree programme or a Certificate of Health Sciences.
Read more at University of Auckland Māori Academic Excellence Scholarships.
University of Auckland Academic Potential Scholarship - Pathway Programme Students
A Scholarship to support students currently enrolled in an approved University of Auckland pathway programme who have achieved academically but who are experiencing hardships that potentially limit their opportunities or who may have been disadvantaged due to their personal circumstances. Awards are made in three different tiers, and the review committee determines which tier a successful applicant will be awarded under.
University of Auckland Waka Moana Scholarship
A Scholarship to support Māori students who intend to enrol at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland next year in either an undergraduate degree or a Tertiary Foundation Certificate or Certificate in Health Sciences followed by an undergraduate degree in the following year. The Scholarship includes catered accommodation and a laptop.
Bachelor of Design Award for Māori Students
An Award of up to $5,000 for Māori students enrolling in any year of a Bachelor of Design.
Business School Māori and Pacific Tautoko Grant
A Grant of up to $2,500 to assist undergraduate Māori students and Pacific students enrolled full-time in the Business School.
Faculty of Arts Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Scholarship
A Scholarship of up to $5,000 per annum for up to three years to support beneficiaries of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei who are enrolled full-time in undergraduate or postgraduate study in the Faculty of Arts and Education.
Faculty of Engineering Kick Start Māori and Pacific Award
For first year Māori and Pacific BE(Hons) students, up to $2,000 to assist with set up costs.
AUEA Māori Engineering Pathway Award
An Award of up to $10,000 to support first year Māori BE(Hons) students.
EROAD Scholarship for Māori and Pacific Students
Business School, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Faculty of Science
A Scholarship of up to $8,000 to encourage Māori and Pacific students enrolled in Computer Science, Data Science, Information Systems or Software Engineering.
Frances Barkley Scholarship
A Scholarship to support an undergraduate Māori or Pacific student enrolling in a BSc.
360 International Award for Māori Students
An Award of up to $6,000 to provide support to Māori students while on an approved student exchange.
Judge Karina Williams Award in Law
An Award to recognise undergraduate Law students of Māori descent who have met the requirements to graduate.
Mark Ford Ngā Tapuwae Scholarship for Māori Students
A $5,000 Scholarship to support a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident of Māori descent enrolled full-time in Part III or Part IV of a BE(Hons) in Civil Engineering.
Michael Synnott Scholarship
A Scholarship of up to $5,000 per annum for up to 4 years for a Māori or Pacific student residing in South Auckland intending to enrol in their first undergraduate Bachelors or conjoint degree at the University of Auckland.
Mokaraka Wāhine Māori in Business Scholarship
A Scholarship of up to $15,000 to support high achieving wāhine Māori enrolled in the Business School.
NZAO Award for the Top Māori or Pacific Student entering the Bachelor of Optometry Part II
A $1,000 Award to a Māori or Pacific student entering Part II of the BOptom.
Rewi Thompson Undergraduate Scholarship in Architecture
An $8,000 Scholarship to support a Māori student enrolling full-time in a Bachelor of Architectural Studies.
RTA Studio Scholarship for Māori Architecture Students
A Scholarship to support Māori BAS students, $10,000 in total over 5 years.
Toi Uru Roa: The Paul Kelly Māori Undergraduate Scholarship
A Scholarship of up to $8,000 to support Māori students enrolled full-time in an undergraduate programme in the Business School.
University of Auckland Māori Postgraduate Scholarship
Guaranteed Scholarship of up to $14,346 p.a. plus compulsory fees for study commencing in 2025 for high achieving Māori students enrolled in masters degrees, postgraduate Bachelors (honours) degrees or Postgraduate Diplomas.
University of Auckland Postgraduate Honours/PG Diploma Scholarship
Guaranteed Scholarships of up to $14,346 plus compulsory fees for study commencing in 2025 for high achieving students enrolled in postgraduate Bachelors (honours) degrees, or Postgraduate Diplomas with a research component of at least 30 points.
University of Auckland Research Masters Scholarship
Guaranteed Scholarship of up to $14,346 plus compulsory fees for study commencing in 2025 for high achieving students enrolled in a research masters programme.
University of Auckland Bioengineering Masters Scholarship for Māori and Pacific Students
A Scholarship of up to $14,064.65 plus compulsory tuition fees for a ME Thesis in Bioengineering, for Māori and Pacific students who are a New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident.
Faculty of Arts Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Scholarship
A Scholarship of up to $5,000 p.a. for up to three years to support beneficiaries of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei who are enrolled full-time in undergraduate or postgraduate study in the Faculty of Arts and Education.
School of Environment Masters Thesis Scholarship for Māori Students
A Scholarship of up to $5,000 plus compulsory fees to support Māori students enrolled in the thesis year of an MA or MSc or other masters programme in the School of Environment.
Craig Memorial Award
A $4,000 Award for a Māori student enrolled in a Masters or PhD programme in the School of Environment or the Department of Mathematics.
Māori and Pasifika Master of Public Policy Award
An Award of up to $10,000 to support Māori and Pasifika students enrolled full-time or part-time in a Master of Public Policy degree.
Mokaraka Wāhine Māori in Business Scholarship
A Scholarship of up to $15,000 to support high achieving wāhine Māori enrolled in the Business School.
Professor Michael Walker Award for Māori and Pacific Students
A $3,000 Award for Māori and Pacific students currently enrolled in their final year of undergraduate study and who are enrolling full-time or part-time in postgraduate study in the following year.
Sir Hugh Kawharu Foundation PGDipBus Māori Development Award
An Award of $2,500 pa to support a Māori student enrolled in a PGDipBus in Māori Development.
Te Wānanga o Waipapa Postgraduate Award
Up to $10,000 in Awards for Māori students or Pacifc students enrolled in a postgraduate honours, PGDip, masters or PhD study in the Faculty of Arts and Education.
Vicki St John Postgraduate Award for Māori and Pacific Island Students
A $4,000 Award to support Māori and Pacific students who are enrolled full-time or part-time in postgraduate study in the Business School.
University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship
Guaranteed scholarship of up to $34,569 pa in 2025 plus compulsory feesfor high achieving Māori students enrolled in doctoral study, includes stipend, tuition fees and international student insurance (if applicable).
Te Herenga Mātai Pūkaha Doctoral Scholarship in Engineering
A Scholarship to support Māori and Pacific students undertaking a PhD in the Faculty of Engineering and Design.
Craig Memorial Award
A $4,000 Award for a Māori student enrolled in a Masters or PhD programme in the School of Environment or the Department of Mathematics.
Dilshika Weerasekera Memorial Prize
A Prize for the Māori or Pacific student enrolled full-time who achieved the best overall performance in CHEM 110 and 120 and who has gone on to enrol in Stage II Chemistry courses.
Gina Rudland Memorial Prize for Māori Mooting
A Prize for the student judged to be the best mooter in the Māori Issues Mooting competition.
He Maunga Teitei Prize for Academic Achievement
A Prize to recognise and reward the Part III Māori student who achieved the highest grade point average in all compulsory law courses to the end of Part III.
ProCare Annual Prize in General Practice
A Prize for the Māori and Pacific students who achieved the highest overall marks for the General Practice attachment of the MBChB Part V.
Sociology and Criminology Korowai Prize
A Prize for the top Māori PhD graduand in Sociology or Criminology in each graduation ceremony.
Te Ākonga Matua (Head of School) Distinguished MAPAS Student Prize
A Prize for final year Bachelor of Nursing MAPAS students who demonstrated exceptional all-round qualities in addition to a distinguished academic and clinical performance.
External Scholarships
The following content is sourced from external websites and is provided for convenience. The University of Auckland Scholarships Office is not responsible for the accuracy or content on such websites and the inclusion of such links does not imply endorsement of the linked websites or their providers.
Borrin Foundation - Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Postgraduate Scholarship
A Scholarship to support a Māori scholar to pursue a post-graduate degree in law at a New Zealand university or at an overseas institution (any jurisdiction) including multi-year degree programmes.
Candidates may apply for costs such as course fees, living expenses, and airfares. Applications open in August each year.
For more information and to apply visit Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Postgraduate Scholarship.
GCSB Women in STEM Scholarship
The GCSB Women in STEM scholarship is aimed at second year tertiary students and above (including Honours and Masters) who are intending to take a full-time course of study in computer science, cyber security, technology, mathematics, computer engineering and/or data science at any New Zealand tertiary institution.
Four scholarships of up to $10,000 each are available each year.
He Manawā ā Whenua – Māori Freshwater Research Scholarship
The New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society He Manawā ā Whenua scholarship is open to Māori students studying a Bachelor Honours Degree or Master’s Degree with a focus on freshwater ecosystems. The purpose of this $7,500 scholarship is to encourage Māori students to pursue a research career and develop their capability in freshwater ecology and/or kaupapa Māori research surrounding wai.
For more information visit New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society.
Toitū Kaupapa Māori Mātauranga Māori Education Trust
Edwin Holmes Tertiary Scholarship
Available to tertiary students who are registered beneficiary of the Ngāti Kahungunu Ki Wairarapa Tāmaki Nui ā Rua Post Settlement Governance Entity (PSGE).
Eric Hall McCormick Scholarship
Available to a Māori student undertaking research at postgraduate level in a field which is of significant benefit to Māori. Preference will be given to a Māori student attending the University of Auckland. $5,000 each.
Frances Irwin Hunt Art Scholarship
Available to full-time Māori undergraduate students studying in the fields of performing or cultural arts which may include, but not be limited to: dance, music, art, theatre/film. Priority will be given to students with academic merit and financial need. $1,000 each.
Manākitanga Scholarship
Available to a full-time Māori student of Tainui, Ngāpuhi or Ngāti Tūwharetoa descent. Priority will be given to students with financial need.
Māori Education Trust Postgraduate Scholarship: Hapū or Iwi Development
Available to Māori postgraduate students undertaking study in a field that will support the strategic interests and direction of their Hapū or Iwi. $5,000 each.
Māori Education Trust Postgraduate Scholarship
Available to Māori students undertaking postgraduate study. Priority will be given to students with financial need. $5,000 each.
Māori Education Trust Postgraduate Scholarship: STEM
Available to Māori postgraduate students undertaking study in science (biology, chemistry, physics), technology, engineering or mathematics. $5,000 each.
Māori Education Trust Undergraduate Scholarship
Available to Māori undergraduate students who are in their second or subsequent year of study. Priority will be given to students with financial need. $1,000 each.
Nicholas Irwin Hunt Writing Scholarship
Available to full-time Māori undergraduate writers with preference to those studying in the field of journalism. Priority will be given to students with proven writing ability, academic merit and financial need. $1,000.
Norman Kirk Memorial Scholarship
Available to full-time Māori undergraduate students studying at a recognised New Zealand tertiary institute. Priority will be given to students with demonstrated financial need and academic merit. $1,000.
Queen Elizabeth II Postgraduate Fellowship
Available to a Māori or non-Māori graduate with excellent academic ability, who plans to research at postgraduate level, in a field that will be of benefit to Māori. $5,000.
Pūkaha Scholarship
Available to full-time Māori undergraduate students enrolled in a bachelor of Engineering degree of STEM related degree and are of Ngāpuhi or Ngāti Tūwharetoa descent. $1,000.
Pūmanawa Scholarship
Available to a full-time Māori student of Tainui, Ngāpuhi or Ngāti Tūwharetoa descent. Priority will be given to students with academic merit. $1,000.
Rangiriri and Mātene Te Whiwhi Winiata Scholarship
Available to Māori graduates to enable them to complete postgraduate studies. Pre-requisite is completion of a master’s degree. $5,000.
Regina Rudland Memorial Scholarship
Available to a full-time Māori undergraduate student of Ngāti Porou descent, undertaking study in the field of Agriculture or Apiculture. Priority will be given to those with demonstrated financial need. $500.
Rose Hellaby Bursaries Scholarship
Available to Māori undergraduate students studying to become qualified or employed in a profession or calling which includes scientific, mathematical or technical skills. Priority will be given to students with academic merit and leadership. $1,000 each.
Rose Hellaby Postgraduate Scholarship
These prestigious scholarships are available to Māori students with a record of proven academic excellence, undertaking Masters or PhD postgraduate study in the fields of engineering mathematics, science, technology or medicine. Up to $30,000 each.
Roy Watling Mitchell Bursaries Scholarship
Available to Māori undergraduate students who are in their second or subsequent year of study. Priority will be given to students with financial need. $1,000 each.
Roy Watling Mitchell Prestigious Professions Scholarship
Available to Māori graduates with a record of academic excellence. $5,000 each.
Sir Apirana Ngata Memorial Scholarship
Available to a full-time Māori undergraduate student studying at a recognised New Zealand tertiary institute, who attended Ngata Memorial College or Te Kura Kaupapa o Te Waiū o Ngāti Porou as a Year 13 student . Priority will be given to students with academic merit. $1,000 each.
Sister Anne Henry Scholarship
Available to a Māori student who is a direct descendant of Reverend John Laughton, or of Tūhoe descent. $1,000 each.
Sir John Bennett Memorial Postgraduate Scholarship
Available to Māori students who have completed a bachelor degree’s and are enrolled full-time in either a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) or a master’s degree. $5,000 each.
Sir John Bennett Memorial PhD Scholarship
Available to Māori students who have a master’s or Honours degree and are enrolled in a PhD programme of study. $10,000.
Tarere Trust 2 Scholarship
Open to shareholders or descendants of current landowners of Tarere Trust 2. $1,000 each.
Tī Maru Māori Trust Prestigious Scholarship
Available to Māori graduates with a record of academic excellence. $5,000 each.
Tī Maru Māori Trust Scholarship
Available to full-time Māori undergraduate students enrolled in their final year of study at a recognised New Zealand tertiary institute. Priority will be given to students with academic merit. $5,000 each.
Tribal Education Scholarship
Available to Māori students studying Information Technology. Priority will be given to first year tertiary students. $5,000 each.
Whanake - HERA Scholarship
Available to a full-time Māori undergraduate student enrolled in a Bachelor of Engineering degree (Structural or Mechanical). (Note: Applicants must also be available for a paid summer internship, which is based in Auckland.) $5,000.
The MacDiarmid Institute Discovery Scholarship Programme
These scholarships will pay university fees up to $8,000, and a one-off cash award of up to $3,000 for Māori and Pasifika students in Science.
Te Kainga Rua Award - Second Chance Learner Award
For mature students returning to tertiary study or undertaking tertiary study for the first time who are passionate about the natural sciences.
Piki Ake Award - Step It Up Award
To help enthusiastic students reach their potential and step up into achieving academically in Science.
Te Taumata Award - High Achiever Award
For students who have excelled in their studies and are looking toward continuing their study in the field.
Te Mātauranga Pūtaiao Award - High Achiever in Māori Science Award
For students who are studying Mātauranga Māori Science and are looking toward continuing their study in the field.
Te Huarahi Ki Mua Award
For students who have been previous recipients of a Discovery Scholarship Award and are continuing in their study in a relevant field.
For more information and to apply visit The MacDiarmid Institute Discovery Scholarships.
Ngā Mātarae Scholarship and Turirangi Te Kani Memorial Scholarship
The Ngā Mātarae Charitable Trust and the Port of Tauranga offer scholarships to tertiary students who are able to provide affiliation to Tauranga Moana iwi (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Pūkenga).
For more information and to apply visit Port of Tauranga Scholarships.
Ngā Raumanako Māori Scholarship and Suzanne Spencer Memorial Māori Scholarship
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand offer two annual scholarships to assist a young Māori student excel in accounting and to contribute to the successful economic development of the Māori community - The Chartered Accountants ANZ Ngā Raumoko Māori Scholarship and the NKMoA – Suzanne Spencer Memorial Māori Scholarship.
Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarships
These scholarships support high achieving tertiary students of Māori descent.
- Three Undergraduate scholarships, each valued up to $30,000: $10,000 per year of full-time study for up to three years.
- One Master scholarship valued up to $20,000: $10,000 per year of full-time study for up to two years.
- One Master of Education research scholarship valued up to $20,000: $10,000 per year of full-time study, for up to two years. This scholarship also includes a paid internship with the Ministry of Education for up to six weeks for each year of study.
- One Doctoral scholarship valued up to $40,000: $20,000 per year of full-time study for up to two years.
Northland Regional Council - Tū i te ora Scholarship
Northland Regional Council offers eight scholarships value at $3,000 each for New Zealand citizens or permanent residents who reside in, have family that reside in or have whakapapa to Te Taitokerau, who are enrolled in an undergraduate or higher qualification relating to council's environmental and regulatory functions. Four scholarships are dedicated to Māori (who whakapapa to Te Taitokerau) and one is dedicated to a student undertaking study, research or training related council’s land or water functions.
For more information or to apply, visit:
NZCS Awards - Māori & Pacific Island Research Scholarship
The New Zealand Coastal Society offers an annual PhD research scholarship of $5,000 to anyone of Māori or Pacific Island descent or with a research topic with a Māori and Pacific Island focus within the coastal environment.An example could be the application of traditional Maori or Pacific Island coastal management techniques to modern day coastal planning. The purpose of this scholarship is also to promote diversity amongst coastal practitioners. The Scholarship includes free attendance to the annual NZCS conference and dinner.
For more information or to apply visit NZCS Awards.
Rosemary Seymour Research & Archives Award
Two awards of $1000 each are available, one for which only Māori women may apply, while the second is open to all women, to assist with a project related to the aims of the organisation. For more information and to apply visit Rosemary Seymour Research & Archives Award.
Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Scholarships in Pathology for Māori Medical Students
A AU$2,000 scholarship is offered annually for a project associated with pathology, jointly developed by a student and supervisor, for a Māori MBChB student. For more information and to apply visit RCPA External Awards.
Te Atawhai o Te Ao Scholarships
The purpose of He Kokonga Ngākau scholarships is to support and contribute to the growing knowledge of Māori trauma and recovery and to support Māori students to complete Master’s and doctoral studies. The amount of the award will be determined according to the relevance of your study, and will be between $10,000 and $15,000. For more information and to apply visit Te Atawhai o Te Ao Scholarships.
Te Waiu O Aotearoa Trust Scholarship
The tertiary study scholarships will award up to four Māori recipients in their second or third year of a general business degree $5,000 each towards their study costs. For more information and to apply visit Te Waiu O Aotearoa Trust Scholarship.
TeachNZ Scholarships
TeachNZ Scholarships cover early learning, primary, secondary and immersion settings. Applications for 2024 will open from September 2023 For more information and to apply visit TeachNZ Scholarships.
Tū i te ora Scholarship
Northland Regional Council’s Tū i te ora Scholarship recognises and supports students who reside in, have family that reside in or have whakapapa (a genealogical connection) to Te Taitokerau (according to Northland Regional Council’s operational boundaries), to undertake study, research or training that relates to council’s environmental and regulatory functions – providing a springboard for future environmental leaders and champions, whilst contributing to council’s vision ‘Tiakina te taiao, tuia te here tangata - Nurture the environment, bring together the people’.
There are six scholarship packages available. Each recipient will receive $4,000 to assist with study costs, plus a paid full-time work experience opportunity with Northland Regional Council.
Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust STEM Scholarship
Every year the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust makes three $10,000 scholarships available for registered members. The three scholarships are open to university students who are in their third year or above studying in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Applications for 2025 close on 31 March 2025.
Waikato-Tainiui Grants
Waikato-Tainui offers a range of grants, subsidies, scholarship and health assistance opportunities to registered tribal members.
For more information visit Waikato-Tainui grants.
Other scholarships, awards and prizes
Many other University of Auckland scholarships are open to Māori students. Search our comprehensive scholarships database for an up-to-date list of all the scholarships and awards available to future and current University of Auckland students.