University student activity travel insurance terms and conditions

The University of Auckland (UoA) provides international travel insurance to students with approved University student activity travel with the following conditions and circumstances.

University student activity travel refers to international travel for any student activity:

  • undertaken to fulfil a requirement for academic progress at the University, or
  • organised and/or funded by the University, or
  • endorsed by 360 International or the Approving Manager and directly related to the student’s professional/academic development

University student activity travel does not include activities organised solely by a student or group of students unless they otherwise meet the above definition of University student activities.

Eligible travel and conditions

1. Students undertaking approved University student activity travel who are travelling internationally from and returning to New Zealand (please note, one-way journeys are not eligible for insurance coverage) and whose travel is registered and approved through 360 International are eligible for comprehensive travel & medical insurance coverage under the University's Business Travel Insurance Policy, with the exception of:

a. Programmes of a semester-length or longer, including the 360 International Semester Exchange programme. Students travelling on  programmes of a semester length or longer are required to purchase comprehensive travel & medical insurance separately, with continuous and uninterrupted coverage from the date of departure until their return to New Zealand, with coverage through the Outbound StudentSafe policy (PROMOCODE 360OSE) or a comparable policy that meets or exceeds the level of coverage provided by Outbound StudentSafe, in addition to meeting any insurance requirements imposed by the host country and/or host university during the period of exchange.

b. Students whose primary reason for travel is to undertake professional sporting activity. Travellers in this category must send details of their proposed travel and sporting activity to to ensure the appropriate insurance cover is obtained, if not covered through the National Sporting Organisation.

2. All travellers must be aware of the pre-existing condition definitions and terms of coverage. Pre-Existing Condition(s) means:

a) any physical defect, condition, illness or disease for which treatment, medication or advice (including advice for treatment) has been received or prescribed by a Doctor twelve (12) months immediately prior to the Covered Person’s Journey; or

b) the symptoms of any physical defect, condition, illness or disease which a reasonable person in the circumstances would be expected to be aware were caused by an underlying physical defect, condition, illness or disease at the time of booking their Journey.

  • Travellers with a pre-existing condition should check with their health care provider to ensure that they are fit to travel and not travelling against medical advice. Travelling against medical advice may result in failure to comply with policy terms and conditions, resulting in claims being declined. We strongly advise obtaining a 'fit to travel' certificate from your primary care provider to have with you during travel. You may also be asked to provide a copy to the 360 International Office.
  • No cover is provided for travel for the purposes of seeking medical treatment. 
  • No cover is provided for terminal medical conditions.

Any questions may also be directed to:

3. The official source of advice and risk level for countries is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Safe Travel website. If those travelling under the UoA travel insurance intend to travel to a location which has areas categorised as ‘avoid non-essential travel’ or ‘do not travel’ they must seek pre-approval by contact the Risk Office to complete a High Risk Travel Form.

4. Students will be covered for up to 14 days of associated personal travel (e.g. visiting relatives, holiday) undertaken in conjunction with University student activity travel, and a total of 90 days. Students travelling with more than 14 personal days, and/or in excess of 90 total days, may need to pay for additional insurance.

5. Students must have travel insurance in place for the entire duration of their trip. When using University-provided insurance you must be insured by the University insurance policy for the entirety of the journey; it is not permitted to combine insurance policies.

6. No cover is provided for family members of students. Cover for family members must be purchased separately.

Process for applying

1. Any staff member supporting overseas student travel activities and/or organizing student travel bookings must provide 360 International with details of all participating students and the nature of the activity to be undertaken overseas. This includes University funded and student self-funded travel. Please contact 360 International for more information. 

2. All funded University activity travel must be booked through the University's Travel Management Company (Orbit), in accordance with the Travel Policy.

3a. All students  (excluding PhD candidates) must record their travel plans and itinerary via the Student International Travel Registration Form at least 2 weeks prior to departure, unless registered as a group by a University staff member. Please contact 360 International if you have any questions about the process or your eligibility for coverage. 

3b. All PhD students are automatically covered under the University's Premier Corporate Travel Insurance, provided flights are booked through Orbit and travel does not include more than 14 personal days before/after the overseas University-student activity. PhD students who have booked travel outside of Orbit or who have more than 14 personal days and/or more than 90 days total, must record their travel plans and itinerary via the Student International Travel Registration Form at least 2 weeks prior to departure. 

3c.  Any amendments to the original travel itinerary, including additional travel segments that are booked after submission of the Student International Travel Registration form and before or during the overseas journey, should be reported through the Additional Travel Form

4. Provided these University Student Activity Travel Insurance Terms & Conditions and other relevant University travel policies are met, insurance cover as stated in the insurance policy will apply for all trips registered prior to departure.

5. Should additional cover be required, details of additional travel days to be covered by the student will be provided upon submitting the Student International Travel Registration Form, with information to purchase the additional insurance through the University's travel insurance brokers online portal.

6. Travellers who are New Zealand citizens/permanent residents are also expected to register their travel details on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade SafeTravel website. International students are recommended to register their travel with their home country equivalent.

Claims process

Once travel has been registered with 360 International, you will receive a confirmation email confirming coverage details with a link to the insurers claims portal. Please refer to the email, or contact 360 International at for more information. 

    Excess on these claims is to be paid by the student traveller unless otherwise indicated by the Department organising travel. 

    Supporting policy documents


    Please contact 360 International with any questions about the University student activity travel registration process or requirements.