Postgraduate study in Marine Science

What can you study in Marine Science?
Postgraduate study in Marine Science is your opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills in this fascinating field. Marine Science is as diverse as the environments and species that exist in the marine habitat. You can focus your study on topics such as:
- Biochemistry and physiology of marine organisms
- Biogeography
- Enhancement of aquaculture and fisheries
- Functioning of estuarine and marine ecosystems
- Management and conservation
Subject structure
Master of Science (MSc) in Marine Science 120 point (one-year) research masters
Master of Science (MSc) in Marine Science 240 point research masters
- 15 points:
- 15 points from:
- 90 points from 700 courses in related subjects:
- Biological Sciences, Environmental Science, Environmental Management, Geography, Geophysics
- Including at least 30 points from:
- BIOSCI 724 Marine Ecology
- BIOSCI 725 Ecological Physiology
- BIOSCI 727 Aquaculture
- BIOSCI 733 Molecular Ecology and Evolution
- BIOSCI 738 Advanced Biological Data Analysis
- BIOSCI 739 Dialogues in Biology
- BIOSCI 749 Ecology of Microbial Interactions
- CHEM 770 Advanced Environmental Chemistry
- EARTHSCI 720 Geochemistry of our World
- ENVMGT 742 Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
- ENVMGT 744 Resource Management
- ENVSCI 704 Modelling of Environmental Systems
- ENVSCI 714 Environmental Pollution
- FOODSCI 703 Food Processing
- FOODSCI 708 Advanced Food Science
- GEOG 730 Climate Change: Past, Present and Future
- GEOG 746 Applied Coastal Geomorphology
- GEOG 748 Current Issues in Coastal Management
- GEOG 771 Spatial Analysis and Geocomputation
- GEOPHYS 711 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- GEOPHYS 712 Climate Dynamics
- GEOPHYS 713 Turbulent Processes in Climate
- GEOPHYS 761 Subsurface Characterisation with Geophysical Methods
- MARINE 702 Field Techniques in Marine Science
- MARINE 703 Marine Protected Areas
- MARINE 704 Special Topic
- MARINE 705 Ocean Management and Planning
- MARINE 707 Applied Estuarine Ecology
- STATS 767 Topics in Multivariate Analysis
Or any other courses approved by the programme coordinator.
- 120 points: MARINE 796 MSc Thesis in Marine Science
Master of Marine Conservation - 180-point Taught Masters
For information about how to structure the 180-point masters, see our Master of Marine Conservation page.
Master of Marine Studies - 180-point Taught Masters
For information about how to structure the 180-point masters, see our Master of Marine Studies page.
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (PGDipSci) in Marine Science
- 15 points:
- 15 points from:
- 90 points from 700 courses in related subjects:
- Biological Sciences, Environmental Science, Environmental Management, Geography, Geophysics
- Including at least 30 points from:
- BIOSCI 724 Marine Ecology
- BIOSCI 725 Ecological Physiology
- BIOSCI 727 Aquaculture
- BIOSCI 733 Molecular Ecology and Evolution
- BIOSCI 738 Advanced Biological Data Analysis
- BIOSCI 739 Dialogues in Biology
- BIOSCI 749 Ecology of Microbial Interactions
- CHEM 770 Advanced Environmental Chemistry
- EARTHSCI 720 Geochemistry of our World
- ENVMGT 742 Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
- ENVMGT 744 Resource Management
- ENVSCI 704 Modelling of Environmental Systems
- ENVSCI 714 Water Quality Science
- FOODSCI 703 Food Processing
- FOODSCI 708 Advanced Food Science
- GEOG 730 Climate Change: Past, Present and Future
- GEOG 746 Applied Coastal Geomorphology
- GEOG 748 Current Issues in Coastal Management
- GEOG 771 Spatial Analysis and Geocomputation
- GEOPHYS 711 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- GEOPHYS 712 Climate Dynamics
- GEOPHYS 713 Turbulent Processes in Climate
- GEOPHYS 761 Subsurface Imaging with Seismic and Radar Waves
- MARINE 702 Field Techniques in Marine Science
- MARINE 703 Marine Protected Areas
- MARINE 704 Special Topic
- MARINE 705 Ocean Management and Planning
- MARINE 707 Applied Estuarine Ecology
- STATS 767 Topics in Multivariate Analysis
Or any other courses approved by the programme coordinator.
Explore the postgraduate courses you can take for a Marine Science major:
Where can postgraduate study in Marine Science take you?
Marine scientists can be found working in a wide range of occupations in an equally wide range of organisations.
Jobs related to Marine Sciences include:
- Aquaculture
- Biodiversity management
- Conservation
- Consulting
- Fisheries management
- Marine biology
- Marine education
- Pharmaceutical development
- Policy advice
- Research
- Resource planning
Scholarships and awards
Each year we award scholarships and prizes to thousands of students.
Find out about the scholarships you may be eligible for, search available scholarships or begin an application by visiting Scholarships and awards.
Help and advice
Student Hubs
Visit your hubs for help and advice on any aspect of your studies and life at University.
The Student Hubs are your physical gateway to Waipapa Taumata Rau | the University of Auckland.
The Student Hubs services are available seven days a week at the City, Grafton, Epsom and Tai Tonga campuses and six days a week at Tai Tokerau, with friendly staff available to provide you with advice on any aspect of your studies and life at the University.
To find a supervisor to work with you on your research project please see the database linked at the bottom of this page.