Full-time: 3 years
Part-time: Varies
Next start date
2026 Semester One – 2 March
2027 Semester One – 1 March
Available locations
Programme type
Research options available

Programme overview

The Master of Architecture (Professional) and Urban Planning (Professional) (MArch(Prof)UrbPlan(Prof)) will give you a sound platform for the realities of contemporary practice.

In less time than it takes to complete the two degrees separately, you will gain the qualification necessary to practice as a professional architect*, and the skills to shape the economic, social, environmental and cultural development of our urban spaces.

This programme has received its professional accreditation and is recognised by the New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB), Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) and the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), as well as the New Zealand Planning Institute (NZPI).

*If you wish to become a practising architect, you must complete this programme (or any of our MArch(Prof) programmes) as well as additional requirements from the registration boards.

Programme structure

This programme combines courses from the two standalone masters programmes.

Through taught seminars and studios, you will further your design and theoretical skills and examine a range of local and international examples of best urban planning practice. You will be able to explore areas of interest and submit a design thesis of personal research.

Seminars and assessment critiques are often led by leading practitioners, giving you the chance to network and gain valuable insight into the profession.

You'll also need to meet other requirements, including time limits and total points limits. See Postgraduate enrolment.

For all official programme information, including regulations about entry, enrolment, fees, examinations, and requirements for degrees, diplomas and certificates, see the University Calendar.

Sample programme structure

Year one 120 points

  • Code:
    ARCHDES 700
    Advanced Design 1
    Compulsory core course
    30 pts
  • Code:
    ARCHPRM 701
    Professional Studies 2
    Compulsory core course
    15 pts
  • Code:
    URBPLAN 701
    Urban Planning Contexts
    Compulsory core course
    15 pts
  • Code:
    ARCHDES 701
    Advanced Design 2
    Compulsory core course
    30 pts
  • Code:
    ARCHGEN 703
    Design as Research
    Compulsory core course
    15 pts
  • Code:
    URBPLAN 706
     Māori Planning Issues
    Compulsory core course
    15 pts

Year two 120 points

  • Code:
    URBPLAN 702
    Urban Planning Law
    Compulsory core course
    15 pts
  • Code:
    URBPLAN 707
    Urban Economic Development
    Compulsory core course
    15 pts
  • Code:
    URBPLAN 709
    Housing and Community Development
    Compulsory core course
    15 pts
  • Code:
    URBPLAN 711
    Urban Planning Theory
    Compulsory core course
    15 pts
  • Code:
    URBPLAN 716
    Contemporary Wicked Problem Studio
    Compulsory core course
    30 pts
  • Code:
    URBPLAN 717
    Community Design Studio
    Compulsory core course
    30 pts

Year three 120 points

  • Code:
    ARCHDES 797A
    Compulsory core course
    30 pts
  • Name:
    Elective Seminar
    Elective taught courses
    15 pts
  • Code:
    ARCHDES 797B
    60 pts
  • Name:
    Elective Seminar
    Elective taught courses
    15 pts

2025 entry requirements

My highest qualification is from:

Programme requirements

Minimum programme requirements

Minimum requirements listed here are the likely grades required and do not guarantee entry. We assess each application individually and applicants may require a higher grade to be offered a place.

  • Study option
    Taught 360 points
    Grade required
    GPA Grade Point Average 4.0

    Bachelor of Architectural Studies

Further programme requirements

Taught 360 points

You must have completed your degree within two years of commencing this programme.

If your BAS was completed more than two years prior to starting this programme, you must submit a portfolio, written statement and CV via the portfolio system Slideroom.

Portfolio content

Your portfolio should convey your design ability and sensibility, your creativity and your skill with a range of architectural media. It must consist of between 12 and 15 pages of your own drawings and / or other creative works.

  • You can choose any page size up to a maximum of A3 to present your work.
  • You may display one or multiple images on each page.
  • Each PDF file submitted must not exceed one page in length.
  • Each digital experiment counts as one page.

View sample MArch(Prof) portfolio

Written statement

This one page document should outline your reasons for wanting to participate in the MArch(Prof) programme.

CV content

This brief CV should include descriptions and examples of relevant work experience or any other activities considered relevant to the application. Details of any academic and/or professional design awards/prizes should also be included. 

Submit your portfolio, written statement and CV via the portfolio system Slideroom by 8 December.

Other pathways to study

You must have completed a Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) with a GPA of 4.0 in 60 points above Stage III .

If you do not meet the above entry requirements, but have other relevant experience and think you would be successful in postgraduate study, please contact us to discuss alternative pathways into our programmes. 

Programme requirements

Minimum programme requirements

Minimum requirements listed here are the likely grades required and do not guarantee entry. We assess each application individually and applicants may require a higher grade to be offered a place.

  • Study option
    Taught 360 points
    Grade required
    GPE Grade Point Equivalent 4.0

    An undergraduate degree in architecture or equivalent

  • Qualification
    IELTS Academic International English Language Testing System
    Score required

Further programme requirements

Taught 360 points

You must submit a portfolio, written statement and CV via the portfolio system Slideroom.

Portfolio content

Your portfolio should convey your design ability and sensibility, your creativity and your skill with a range of architectural media. It must consist of between 12 and 15 pages of your own drawings and / or other creative works.

  • You can choose any page size up to a maximum of A3 to present your work.
  • You may display one or multiple images on each page.
  • Each PDF file submitted must not exceed one page in length.
  • Each digital experiment counts as one page.

View sample MArch(Prof) portfolio

Written statement

This one-page document should outline your reasons for wanting to participate in the MArch(Prof) programme.

CV content

This brief CV should include descriptions and examples of relevant work experience or any other activities considered relevant to the application. Details of any academic and/or professional design awards/prizes should also be included. 

Submit your portfolio, written statement and CV via the portfolio system Slideroom by 8 December.

Other pathways to study

University of Auckland programmes that are suitable alternative pathways into the MArch(Prof)UrbPlan(Prof):

If you hold an undergraduate degree in a related discipline, such as spatial design or architectural technology, you may also be eligible to transfer credit towards your Bachelor of Architectural Studies. For more information, please see External transfer of credit.

For all official programme information, including regulations about entry, enrolment, fees, examinations, and requirements for degrees, diplomas and certificates, see the University Calendar.

How much does a Master of Architecture (Professional) and Urban Planning (Professional) cost per year?

2025 fees

Domestic students
International students

Fees are set in advance of each calendar year and will be updated on this website. Fees are inclusive of 15% GST, but do not include the Student Services Fee, course books, travel and health insurance, or living costs. Amounts shown are indicative only. In addition to the tuition fees, there is a Student Services Fee of $9.24 per point, estimated at $1,108.80 for full-time study (120 points). Fees will be confirmed upon completion of enrolment into courses.

*Please note: amounts shown are indicative and estimates only.

Find out about financial support information

Scholarships and awards

Find out about the scholarships you may be eligible for.

Student loans and allowances

Are you a New Zealand citizen or resident? You could be eligible for a student loan or allowance.

Cost of living

Get an idea of how much accommodation and general living in Auckland will cost.

For all official programme information, including regulations about entry, enrolment, fees, examinations, and requirements for degrees, diplomas and certificates, see the University Calendar.

Key dates

Please note: We will consider late applications if places are still available. International students should start the application process as early as possible to allow sufficient time to apply for a visa.

Application closing dates

Semester One 2025
8 December 2024

Start dates

Here are the start dates for the programme.

Other important dates

See important dates for the academic year, including orientation, enrolment, study breaks, exams, and graduation.

For all official programme information, including regulations about entry, enrolment, fees, examinations, and requirements for degrees, diplomas and certificates, see the University Calendar.

We welcome any questions you may have about postgraduate study at the School of Architecture and Planning. Contact our postgraduate advisers:

Postgraduate Adviser
Dr Lee Beattie
Email: l.beattie@auckland.ac.nz

For all official programme information, including regulations about entry, enrolment, fees, examinations, and requirements for degrees, diplomas and certificates, see the University Calendar.

Where could this programme take you?

Successful completion of a Master of Architecture (Professional) and Urban Planning (Professional) qualifies you to work as an architectural graduate, with the goal of gaining full professional registration, or as an urban planner with enhanced design skills. You can also contribute in a variety of roles in a private or public organisation, as well as parallel roles within the industry.

Jobs related to this programme

  • Architect (following successful completion of additional professional registration requirements)
  • Cultural adviser
  • Environmental planner
  • Policy analyst
  • Urban planner
  • Urban designer

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