Elective seminar courses
There are a limited number of spaces available in each seminar and these operate on a first-come-first-serve basis. The enrolment limit cannot be exceeded for seminars.
If a seminar is full and you are interested in it, then keep checking over time to see if another student drops their enrolment and so makes a space available for you to enrol in.
Degree enrolment instructions
MArch(Prof) and combined students
- If you need to complete two elective seminars in your degree, they can be from the same subject.
- All MArch(Prof) and combined version students need to enrol into the S01C stream of the seminar courses.
- MArch(Prof)HerCons the HERCONS courses are core within your degree and so cannot be taken as electives as well.
MArch and PGDipArch students
- Enrol in the S02C stream of the seminar courses.
MHerCons - Built Heritage students
- You are encouraged to take seminars in History, Theory, and Criticism (ARCHHTC 700-702), but you can also be considered for other seminar subjects. You will need to submit an enrolment concession for the seminar(s) you wish to take.
- HERCONS subject seminars are core to your degree and cannot be taken as electives.
- Other electives outside of Architecture are available.
- HERCONS 700-703 have been approved to be taught in hybrid mode, which means your choice of attending the classes in-person or online, 'live' in Zoom.
Digital Course Outlines
The Digital Course Outlines are published a number of months before the start of each Semester and contain detailed information about each elective course. This includes the topic description, learning outcomes, assessment methods, and academic staff delivering the seminar.
It is strongly recommended that you review the course outlines for seminars so you can make an informed decision about your choices.
Semester One seminars
ARCHDRC 702: Special Topic: Architectural drawing
- Course prescription: Builds a research literature review that supports architectural drawing and design processes, including historical overview of conceptual approaches and applications of drawing, scale and linearity, time and duration, exhibition and documentation; leading to production of series of drawings.
- Points: 15
ARCHGEN 733: Public Urban Space in the Contemporary City
- Course prescription: Examines the role of public urban space in the city and how history, geography, culture, physical connections and architectural form contribute to its formation. Explores how contemporary cities are transforming their urban environments through design.
- Restriction: ARCHGEN 730-732, 734-735, URBDES 702
- Points: 15
ARCHTEC 709: Sustainable and Healthy Housing
- Course prescription: Examines the current issues of performance and indoor environmental quality in Aotearoa’s housing. Explores strategies, technologies and materials for designing and retrofitting sustainable, resilient and healthy housing.
- Prerequisite: ARCHTECH 314 and 315
- Points: 15
HERCONS 700: Heritage Processes
- Course prescription: Examines heritage conservation legislation, policy, guidelines and processes. Includes international context as well as New Zealand laws and processes.
- Restriction: ARCHGEN 750
- Points: 15
HERCONS 702: Conservation of Materials
- Course Prescription: Examines the theory and practice of conserving materials commonly found in heritage buildings and artefacts, including stone, brick, timber, concrete and steel.
- Restriction: ARCHGEN 752
- Points: 15
HERCONS 703: Diagnosis and Adaptation
- Course Prescription: Examines the investigation of existing building fabric, diagnosis of issues impacting upon the state of repair or the level of comfort, and the adaptation of heritage buildings, including strengthening, energy upgrading, reuse and the design of additions and alterations.
- Restriction: ARCHGEN 753
- Points: 15
Semester Two seminars
ARCHDRC 701: Timber Fabrication
- Course prescription: Covers fabrication technologies with timber materials. Includes the design and realisation of a small timber building through the preparation of concept plans, developed design plans and a scale models.
- Points: 15
ARCHDRC 704: Digital Reconstruction of Buildings
- Course prescription: Examines the digital documentation, recording, and reconstruction of buildings from 3-D scanning to 3-D modelling.
- Points: 15
ARCHHTC 700: Pacific Architecture
- Course prescription: Examines architectural history and practice in the Pacific region from ancient sites to the present day. Explores design from all periods, with a view to informing future design through consideration of climate, culture, society, materials and economics.
- Points: 15
ARCHHTC 702: History of Housing in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Course prescription: A research-based examination of New Zealand’s more than 100-year history of building housing at medium and high densities. Includes analysis of exemplars.
- Points: 15
ARCHPRM 703: Transnational Professional Practice
- Course prescription: Examines the theory and practice of how the built environment is designed and constructed when the architect is operating in a foreign field. Utilising problem-based learning and case studies, the student will assume the role of the alien designer who curates context and thus encounters: the vernacular, regionalism, internationalism and indigeneity.
- Points: 15
ARCHTECH 707: Designing with Resilience Thinking
- Course prescription: Examines resilience in the built environment, from reviewing the literature on resilience to analysing case studies and developing strategies to enhance resilience in architecture.
- Points: 15
HERCONS 701: Heritage Assessment and Conservation Planning
- Course prescription: Examines the assessment of cultural heritage value and the use and preparation of conservation plans to guide heritage conservation work. Coursework comprises researching and writing a conservation plan.
- Restriction: ARCHGEN 751
- Points: 15