About the AUEA

The Auckland University Engineers Association (AUEA) represents all Engineering alumni and acts as a bridge between alumni, industry, the faculty and University.

The AUEA was formed in 1957 and is believed to be the oldest formally established university alumni group in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The association supports learning and research in the faculty while also facilitating discussion with industry members on their needs and perspectives on pressing issues. The AUEA partners with the faculty to develop numerous initiatives, including regular alumni events and scholarships for students who need them the most.

Our strategic objectives are:

  • To develop and maintain strong linkages between alumni, the faculty  and industry stakeholders
  • To promote volunteering by alumni to provide mentoring to students, contribute to student groups and initiatives, support fellow early-career alumni, and promote engineering as a career to future students
  • To promote a culture of philanthropy among graduates of the Faculty of Engineering and Design to provide scholarships at the undergraduate and postgraduate level

The AUEA is proudly supported by individual Engineering alumni and corporate associate members, currently including Beca, Jacobs, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Watercare, and Tonkin & Taylor.

We warmly welcome all University of Auckland Engineering alumni and friends and hope to further develop the relationship between our graduates and the faculty.


Through the generous support of alumni and other donors, we have been able to award over 80 scholarships since 2008, with a value exceeding $300,000. These scholarships include:

AUEA representatives sit on some of the selection panels for these scholarships.


AUEA donor funds managed by the Auckland University Engineering Funds (AUEF) Advisory Board and UoA Foundation have helped provide initial funding to support flagship programmes within the faculty, including:


As an alumni group, we aim to provide a network for alumni and to help strengthen alumni relationships with the faculty and University. We also do this by organising events and activities, including:

  • Spotlight events: semi-annual seminars exploring pressing issues in the engineering sector
  • Biannual alumni dinner
  • Beaufords Lunch for Ardmore Alumni
  • Alumni reunions

For further information about upcoming and past events, please visit our Alumni events page.

Contact us

We're always open to connecting with our Engineering alumni, regardless of when you've graduated.

If you have any enquiries, updates, stories to tell, would like to speak to a representative about contributing to the AUEA, or want to join our mailing list, please email us at auea@auckland.ac.nz