Breadcrumbs List.
Essential information you may require regarding access, support, important dates and more.
Engineering assessment information
Specific information on exams and what to do if you miss an assignment or test.
Building access and information
Opening hours and access information for the Engineering and Design buildings and laboratories.
Student Services Stall
The Student Services Stall (SSS) is used by some departments to collect and return marked assignments and course material to students.
We provide facilities and equipment that encourage productive and collaborative educational environments for students and researchers.
Computer labs and collaboration rooms
Find out about the computer labs, collaboration rooms, and other services offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Design to its students.
Important dates
The beginning and end dates for study, exam dates, graduation dates and dates for semester breaks.
Student tools
Applications and services to support you as a current student, including enrolment, course information, career services, finances and student email.