Using te reo Māori

We encourage practising more of Aotearoa's national language in your daily lives. Here are some commonly used phrases to get you started.

Ko te reo Māori te reo taketake o Aotearoa, te manawapou hoki o te ahurea me te tuakiri Māori | The Māori language is the indigenous language of New Zealand and the foundation of Māori culture and identity.

The Faculty of Engineering and Design is committed to supporting the University’s Te Reo Policy and to actively supporting the revitalisation of te reo Māori. You can join us on this journey by starting with some handy resources or by using the following common phrases regularly.

Online resources

Greetings and signoffs

Tēna koe Dear Sir/Madam
E te rangatira, tēna koe Dear Sir/Madam
Tēnā anō koe Greetings again
Tēnā koe i roto i ngā āhuatanga i te wā Greetings to you and the circumstances of the time
Kia ora Hello/Hi/Thank you
Kia ora rā Hello/Hi/Thank you
Kia ora anō rā Hello/Hi again/Thank you again
Me mutu pea i konei I’ll leave it there
Ka nui tēnā That’s enough
Kāti ake i konei Let’s leave it there for now
Ā kāti Let’s leave it there
Noho ora mai rā Look after yourself
Noho pukumahi mai rā Stay busy
Hei konā mai Goodbye for now
Hei konā mai i ngā mihi Thanks and goodbye
Kia kōrero anō au i a koe Until I hear from you again
Māu au i whakamōhio mai Let me know
Ngā mihi Thanks
Nāku noa, nā Yours sincerely (name)
Ata mārie Good morning
Ahiahi mārie Good afternoon
Pō mārie Good night
Hei āpōpō See you tomorrow
Hei te Rāhina See you on Monday
Kia pai tō rangi Have a great day
Kia pai tō mutunga wiki Have a great weekend
Tēnā rawa atu koe Thank you very much


This is a formulaic expression of one’s whānau, marae, hapū and iwi. If you do not have whakapapa (genealogy) specific to an area, it is best to pay homage and mihi (acknowledge) the mana whenua (peoples of authority) to the land you are speaking about.

Hapū and iwi have a genealogical connection to the mountains, rivers and seas in their respective areas. Therefore, these are seen as more than geographical indicators of the land over which we have authority – they are our ancestors. You can create your own pepeha on the University's Te Kūaha app.