Building access and information

Opening hours and access information for the Engineering and Design buildings and facilities.

General access

Engineering Building

The main doors to the Engineering Building will be open and operational from 7:30am-6:30pm.

These hours also apply to all study areas and computer labs.

  • You will need your activated Campus Card to enter and exit the building between 7:00-7:30am and 6:30pm-midnight. During these times, you may only enter/exit the building by Door 401.2.00C1 (Level 2 leading from the staff car park), or Door 401.3.00L1/1 (Level 3 leading in from the subway).
  • Security officers will do a security sweep at 11:45pm on all days to remind students that they have to vacate the building by midnight.
  • Activated Campus Cards will not open any internal or external doors after midnight.

School of Architecture and Planning Building and Design spaces

The opening hours of the School of Architecture and Planning Building, and Design spaces, operate from Monday to Sunday, including public holidays, from 7:30am to 11:00pm.

This applies to the following spaces:

  • School of Architecture and Planning Building 421-E and 421-W
  • Architecture spaces in Building 409
  • Architecture Acoustics wing in Building 422
  • Design postgraduate study space in Building 423, Level 2
  • Urban Planning Studio in Building 421
  • Urban Planning Studio in Building 432

The workshop opening hours operate from Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. This includes:

  • Design Fabrication Lab 402-340
  • Design Digital Lab 402-344
  • Woodwork 421E-129
  • Metalwork 421E-137CNC milling 421E-127

    Technical support

    Laboratory access

    Access to laboratories after-hours is strictly by authorisation of individual departments and must meet our guidelines and considerations.

    Workshops and laboratories require specific risk assessments due to the nature of higher-risk activities that may be undertaken. Such risk assessments must meet the conditions of Workshop Safety Guidelines and the HASNO Exempt Laboratory requirements to allow approval for after-hours access.

    A laboratory manager or nominated person in charge must be present at all times when laboratory work is undertaken. This is to ensure the safety of users when undertaking activities that have increased potential risk, and to have:

    • Appropriate emergency response and support available
    • Monitored environmental, experiment and equipment operations
    • Confirmation that people are not operating alone and are not fatigued

    Passenger lifts

    The passenger lifts will be operational for students from:

    • 7:30am-5:30pm for all levels in the Engineering building from Monday to Friday.
    • 7:00-7:30am and then from 5:30pm-midnight between Levels 3 and 4 only from Monday to Friday.
    • 7:00am-midnight between Levels 3 and 4 on Saturdays, Sundays, statutory holidays and University holidays.

    Activating your Campus Card

    After hours activation

    To gain access to the building after hours, or to a specific lab as required, you must activate your Campus Card by submitting this online application form.

    Note: Your Campus Card access number can be found in the bottom right corner on the back of the card.

    Once you have submitted the request, it can take up to two weeks before your Campus Card is activated.

    If you require assistance, you should take your Campus Card to the reception desk at the Engineering building, 20 Symonds Street.

    Replacement card

    If you lose your Campus Card or it is stolen, please report it to the Security Office on ext 85000.

    A replacement card can be purchased at a cost of $20, once the loss has been reported. This is a one-off payment and is not a deposit. There will be no refunds at any time.

    Purchasing materials online

    Through our online shop you can purchase supplies (for creating your projects), make payments towards trips and and other items available to students.

    You can pay using account2account, a credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express), or a debit card. Please note that a 1.9% convenience fee applies for credit and debit card payments, but there is no fee for account2account transactions.

    How to make a purchase
    In the online shop, create an account for your first purchase. You can sign in with your email address and password for successive visits.

    Once your purchase is complete, you will receive a receipt by email.

    Show the receipt (either on your phone or a printed copy) when you come to collect your items.