Computer labs and collaboration rooms
Find out about the computer labs, spaces for collaboration, and other services offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Design to its students.

On this page:
The general computer labs are supported by departmental-based facilities catering for postgraduates, research purposes and, in some departments, even for undergraduates from Part II and above.
The computing facilities enable students to access the internet, email and the online library resources along with a range of printing, photocopying and scanning options.
All students can access the internet for free by logging into computers using their usernames and passwords. The workstations dual boot into either a Windows or Linux environment.
Find more information about University WiFi.
Student IT Hub
The Student IT Hub is your digital support space, offering in-person and online assistance.
You can get specific details on access, passwords and logins, printing, software, and other IT-related services provided at the University.
Computer labs
There are five computer labs in total. In total, these rooms have about 262 computers and four colour printers. Computers in the teaching rooms are available for student use when classes are not running.
There is to be absolutely no eating or drinking in all general faculty computer rooms. Anyone caught doing so will have their accounts disabled.
Security officers will be doing spot checks after hours and will be taking down names.
Teaching rooms
- Room 401.307 (42 computers)
- Room 401.311 (33 computers)
- Room 401.312 (43 computers)
- Room 439.G08 (31 computers and one colour printer)
Student drop-in work areas
- Room 401.301 (113 computers and three colour printers)
Opening hours
Teaching rooms
- Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5pm
These rooms are unavailable for general student use when classes are scheduled
Student drop-in work areas
- Monday to Friday during semester (except public holidays): 8am to 7pm
- All other times: 8am to 5pm
- Outside these hours, access is available via access card to Rooms 1.301 and 1.306
After-hours access
The card is for your own use only.
- You are not to allow other people to use your swipe card.
- You are not to allow any other person into the room.
- You are to take care when entering or leaving the room that any other person does not 'coat tail' you in or out.
Any student discovered infringing any of the above rules will be required to report to the Director of Faculty Operations to explain their actions. If a reasonable explanation is not forthcoming, they will have their swipe card disabled for a period of time.
Collaboration rooms
Collaboration rooms are available for small group study sessions. There are seven rooms in Building 405 that students can book using the booking screens located on Levels 3 and 4. Each room is equipped with a screen for personal device use, and some also include whiteboards.
Level 3:
Room 405-321
Room 405-323
Room 405-325
Level 4:
Room 405-421
Room 405-423
Room 405-425
Room 405-427
For the comfort of all users please do not eat inside these rooms and please leave the room clean and tidy.