Law student stories

Anna Devathasan, Bachelor of Laws

Watch Anna talk about her experience as a Bachelor of Laws student.
In particular, she describes how her studies with us made her highly employable.

Photo of Anna Devathasan

George Muir, Bachelor of Laws

George is a graduate of the Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Laws conjoint. He works as a solicitor at Simpson Western.

George Muir

I played hockey for the Blacksticks full time during my studies. The Law School
was extremely accommodating. And the University’s high-performance sports
programme provided strong support.

Sport and study
“Auckland was absolutely the right choice for me. The University offers prestigious programmes for Law and Business – and they also enabled me to continue with my high-performance sports aspirations.

“I played hockey for the Blacksticks full time during my studies. The Law School was extremely accommodating. And the University’s high-performance sports programme provided strong support, especially when sport and university didn’t align perfectly.

Project-based courses
“I found a lot of value in project-based courses. The skills I developed through the Family Law project were transferable to the workplace and very useful.

“The Law School encourages students to take up summer internships, and they work hard to promote all opportunities that arise. That’s how I got a foothold in the workplace.”