2025 Summer Start Course List

Please see below for information on the courses that will be offered in Summer Start 2025.

Courses available for enrolment under the Summer Start Programme are shown below. Our friendly Student Advisers are on-hand to assist you in making the right decision for you based on your tertiary study needs and programme preferences. If you need assistance, please email us at studentinfo@auckland.ac.nz or drop into one of our Student Hubs.

Some courses are specific to a study pathway while others are also offered as a General Education ‘G’ course – this means they count towards a wide range of degrees. Please check the General Education schedules to make sure that your choice of General Education course is able to count towards your chosen degree programme. Please note that the Bachelor of Nursing and the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) will not have a General Education requirement for 2025 entry.

If you’re a Year 13 student intending to start a Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Property with us in Semester One 2025, you can take one course from the University of Auckland’s Summer Start programme. See our recommendations here.  

For student wishing to consider the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours). there are also pathways to Engineering with the Faculty of Science. Students considering Engineering should see Summer Start for Engineering Students for further information.


Summer Start Courses for 2025


Course  Description  Who is this course for?   Which Faculty teaches this course?
 ACADENG 101 - Academic English Writing Learn the skills necessary to write
essays for university purposes, including brainstorming, writing an outline,
structuring an essay, integrating quotations, summaries and referencing.
Course improves your academic writing needed in other subjects, in particular,
planning and writing essays
Students who speak English as an
additional language and want to improve their academic writing needed in other subjects, in particular, planning and writing essays. This course is
also an approved course for students who have not met the Academic English
Language Literacy Requirements (AELR).
Faculty of Arts
ARTSGEN 104 - Te Pārekereke This course is grounded in
mātauranga Māori and Pasifika knowledges with whanaungatanga (relationships
that strengthen) and Vā fealoa'i (nurturing respectful relationships) at its heart. This speaks to relationships to place and understanding the stories of this land (Waipapa) and its people, and the new relationships you will establish with your peers and teachers. You will master necessary skills, including time and workload management, written and verbal communication,
note-taking, academic writing, successful use of the library and approaches to research.
Students interested in a Bachelor of Arts who are looking to be equipped with the core skills that all students need to be able to succeed with university study. Faculty of Arts
CHEM 100/100G - Molecules that Changed
the World*
Explore the impact of chemistry on the modern world by focusing on the stories of specific molecules, including
penicillin, DDT and nylon.
Students with a science background at Yr 11 or higher.
Note, this course is not part of the chemistry major.
Faculty of Science
CHEM 150 - Concepts in Chemistry Explore the fundamentals of
chemistry with a view to enhancing understanding of the chemical nature of the world around us and providing a foundation for further study in
Students looking to build confidence
following Year 13 chemistry, students missing standards from Year 13 Chemistry, students looking for extra practical lab experience, students who do not have a background in chemistry, especially if chemistry is a part
of their planned degree. It is recommended that students with a limited background in chemistry take this course prior to CHEM 110 or CHEM 120. This course can be good preparation for students considering the Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) or the Bachelor of Health Sciences as preparation for CHEM 110.
Faculty of Science
COMPSCI 101 - Principles of
An introduction to computers and
computer programming in a high-level language. The course will be useful for students who may wish to advance in Computer Science or in Information
Systems and Operations Management, or to build programming skills suitable
for Engineering or other science programmes.
Students who do not have any prior programming experience. Faculty of Science
EARTHSCI 105/105G: Earth’s Natural
New Zealand experiences many natural hazards caused by the Earth’s natural processes through earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, weather bombs, storm surge, tsunami, flooding and wildfires. This
course focuses on spatial and temporal occurrences of disasters, hazard
preparedness and recovery, and societal responses that affect and, sometimes, compound the magnitude of disasters. Case studies are drawn from contemporary
and ancient societies.
Students interested in majoring in Earth
Sciences or interested in a BSc.
Faculty of Science
ENGGEN 131 - Introduction to
Engineering Computation and Software Development
Introduction to problem solving in
engineering through the use of the software package MATLAB, and the programming language C.

In Summer Start, 
ENGGEN 131 is only available to students who have accepted offers into the
BE(Hons) or BE(Hons) conjoint programmes. Non-Engineering students should
take courses from other Faculties. Students who do not satisfy entry criteria
will have their enrolments dropped. 

ENGGEN 131 is only available for Engineering students with a Fast Track offer who have achieved a B+ average or higher in one of the following: University of Canterbury STAR: MATH 199 (Advancing in Mathematical Sciences), University of Waikato Unistart: ENGEN 101+ENGEN 102, or MATHS101 + MATHS 102 Massey University Accelerate+:
160.101 + 160.102

Please also see Summer Start for Engineering Students

Faculty of Engineering
ENGSCI 111 - Mathematical Modelling
Develop an understanding of
mathematical modelling, including differentiation and integration
(polynomials, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and rational functions) and more.

In Summer Start, ENGSCI 111 is only available to students who have accepted offers into the
BE(Hons) or BE(Hons) conjoint programmes. Non-Engineering students should
take courses from other Faculties. Students who do not satisfy entry criteria
will have their enrolments dropped. 

ENGSCI 111 is only available for Engineering students with a Fast Track offer who are either starting a BE(Hons) conjoint degree, or who have completed MATHS
199 (Max) at the University of Auckland with a B+ or higher. 

This course is appropriate for students who have achieved Merit or Excellence in Level 2 Mathematics externals, i.e. Achievement Standards 91261 (2.6
Algebra) and 91262 (2.7 Calculus) and expect to pass all Level 3 Calculus externals (91577, 91578, and 91579) with Merit or Excellence, or have a B or higher in AS Mathematics and expect to attain C or higher in A2 Mathematics, or equivalent. Students
who do not have this preparation should take ENGSCI 111 in semester 1.

Most school leavers are not eligible to enrol in Engineering Part I courses over summer. BE(Hons) conjoint students however, can enrol in ENGSCI 111 over summer and then take ENGSCI 211 during Semester One. This may help you complete your conjoint degree more quickly.

Please note that you will only be permitted to take a single course in the Summer Start programme; there are no exceptions and students will be dropped from any additional courses they enrol in.

Please also see Summer Start for Engineering Students

Faculty of Engineering
ENGWRIT 101 - English Writing for
Academic Purposes
English Writing 101 helps you produce well-written and well-structured assignments, which address the question being asked in an appropriate way. The course focuses on the process
of essay writing first, then covers the types of writing students are asked
to produce in undergraduate assignments across different subjects and genres.
Students seeking to improve their writing through practice. English Writing 101 can be used to fulfil the
Academic English Language Requirement (AELR), and is also a first year course in the TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) major. This is not a course in English as a Second Language.
Faculty of Arts
EXERSCI 100G - Exercise and Fitness:
Myths and Reality*
Explore the science behind exercise,
the human body, and its relationship with physical activity: what really
works and what's just a myth? A science background is not required.
Students from a range of disciplines and backgrounds. Faculty of Science
EXERSCI 105 - Exercise Prescription What should my heart rate be when
working out? How do you improve someone’s health with exercise? How do you measure someone’s 'fitness'? You'll learn how to answer questions like these and how to implement an evidence-based approach to exercise prescription.
Students interested in majoring in Exercise Science or interested in a BSc. Faculty of Science
130/130G - Te Ao Māori: The Māori World*
An introduction to Māori analyses of
topics that are often discussed and sometimes controversial, and that continue to shape contemporary life in New Zealand. Topics include aspects of world view, philosophy and social organisation; the Declaration of Independence,
the Treaty of Waitangi and European immigration; and contemporary issues including Treaty claims, ownership of the foreshore and seabed and
constitutional issues. It is taught in the English language using some Māori
language terms that you will learn during the course.
This course is suitable for students from a range of disciplines and backgrounds, from absolute beginners to those with extensive knowledge of Te Ao Māori. Faculty of Arts
MATHS 102 - Functioning in
introduction to calculus that builds mathematical skills and develops
conceptual thinking. MATHS 102 works as a refresher course for those who
haven’t studied Mathematics for some time, a confidence builder for those
lacking Mathematical confidence and a preparation course for further study in

Students who have studied mathematics at Yr 13, earning at least 13 credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 3 including the Differentiation Standard 91578, or D in CIE A2 Mathematics or C in CIE AS Mathematics or 3 out of 7 in IB Mathematics:
Analysis and Approaches (SL or HL).

Students seeking an Engineering pathway - Passing MATHS 102 with an A- or higher may be able to be used as equivalent to meeting the mathematics requirement for the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons).

Students looking to take the Alternative Pathway via Faculty of Science to the Bachelor of Engineering

Faculty of Science
MATHS 108 - General Mathematics 1 A general entry to Mathematics for
commerce and the social sciences, including topics in algebra and calculus and their applications.
Students who have studied mathematics at Yr 13, earning at least 13 credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 3 including the Differentiation Standard 91578, or D in CIE A2 Mathematics or C in CIE AS Mathematics or 3 out of 7 in IB Mathematics:
Analysis and Approaches (SL or HL).
Faculty of Science
MUS144/144G– Turning-Points in Western
This course introduces the history and literatures of Western music from medieval times to the late
20th-century. You will study, discuss, and write about the people and the
factors (artistic, intellectual, social, technical) that were and are Western music’s agents of change.
Students from a range of disciplines and backgrounds. Faculty of Creative Arts and
MUS 149G – From Rock to Reggae:
Tracking Popular Music in New Zealand*
An introduction to New Zealand’s
home-grown popular music, from the 1950s to the present day. A broad range of
musical styles will be considered and situated within various social
contexts. The issue of cultural identity in music – at national and local levels – will also be explored.
Students from a range of disciplines and backgrounds. Faculty of Creative Arts and
PHIL 105/105G - Critical Thinking* An introduction to reasoning, argument, and explanation that emphasises the development of practical skills
and their use in everyday life. The course introduces different forms of
reasoning and explains techniques to evaluate them. It will enable students to distinguish good arguments and explanations from bad ones, to explain the difference, and thereby to improve critical thinking abilities.
Students from a range of disciplines and backgrounds. Faculty of Arts
PHYSICS 102 - Basic Concepts of Physics An introduction to the basic principles of physics. Key topics are the physical description of motion, electricity and magnetism. Students with little prior knowledge
of physics, those who are looking to build confidence in their Year 13 physics before studying physics, and
students seeking an Engineering pathway (passing PHYSICS 102 with an A- or higher may be able to be used as equivalent to meeting the Physics
requirement for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)), students who will be studying PHYSICS 160 in Semester 1 e.g. students planning to study the Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science), students looking to take the Alternative Pathway via Faculty of Science to the Bachelor of Engineering.
Faculty of Science
STATS 101/101G - Introduction to
Intended for anyone who will ever have to collect or make sense of data, either in their career or private
Students interested in a BSc, BA or other degrees.
Faculty of Science
STATS 108 - Statistics for Commerce
The standard Stage I Statistics course for the Faculty of Business and Economics or for Arts students taking
Economics courses.
Students interested in a BCom, BProp, BUrbPlan(Hons) or BAS. Faculty of Science

*For students intending on taking this course as a General Education course, please check that it is available in the General Education Schedule for your chosen degree programme.


All students proposing to enter the University for the first time must take the online academic integrity course.

It is also highly recommended that all students completed DELNA within the Summer Start programme.