Equity-related committees and networks

University Equity Leadership Committee (UELC)

The University Equity Leadership Committee is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and reports to Council.

Terms of Reference

  • Provide leadership and accountability for the University's equity priorities, strategy, and projects
  • Enhance integrated, effective, and efficient equity leadership across the University commensurate with the strategic priorities of the Executive portfolios
  • Respond to advice, recommendations, and requests for guidance from the Equity Action Network
  • Identify where synergies can be harnessed or gaps need to be addressed in improving equity across the University
  • Foster and encourage good practice and innovation in improving equity throughout the University
  • Advise Senate and Council on University equity strategy, policy and progress reporting
  • Ensure the University's statutory and other compliance obligations are met.


Vice-Chancellor – Chair
Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity – Deputy Chair
Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori
Pro Vice-Chancellor Pacific
Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Performance and Reputation
AUSA President
Student representative
Director HR
Director, Student and Academic Services
Director Campus Life
Provost, Deans and Directors Committee representative

The University Equity Leadership Committee meets at least four times per year and reports twice yearly to Council.


Conflicts of Interest

Committee members must declare any real or perceived conflicts of interest in line with the requirements of the University’s Conflicts of Interest Policy.


Committee members have a responsibility to treat all information with appropriate confidentiality. This includes matters tabled or discussed at the Committee meetings, as well as any additional issues that are raised outside meetings.

UELC meeting dates 2025

  • 27 February
  • 1 May
  • 31 July
  • 16 October

For more information contact Vicki Watson, Manager – Equity v.watson@auckland.ac.nz

Equity Action Network

The Equity Action Network (EAN) is chaired by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity and reports to the University Equity Leadership Committee.  

Terms of Reference

  • Collaborate on successful and sustainable implementation of the Equity Operational Plan within faculties, LSRIs, and service divisions
  • Share and analyse information from faculties, LSRIs, service divisions, and equity reference groups, to identify common equity issues and potential solutions
  • Advise and make recommendations to the University Equity Leadership Committee on equity strategy, plans, policy, projects and outcomes
  • Share and respond to monitoring and reporting on implementation of the University’s equity strategy, plans, policy and projects
  • Enhance staff and student engagement in achieving equity outcomes
  • Identify and progress opportunities for collaborative cross-university initiatives, to advance equity outcomes


Pro Vice-Chancellor Equity – Chair
Associate Director Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – HR, Deputy Chair
Associate Deans/Directors Equity, and equity committee chairs in all faculties and large-scale research institutes
Associate Director Student Wellbeing and Engagement – Campus Life
Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Manager – Campus Life
Associate Director Learning, Teaching and Research – Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services
Staff Communications Manager – Communications and Engagement
Manager – Academic Quality Office
Senior research and policy advisers – Equity

For more information contact Vicki Watson, Equity Manager on v.watson@auckland.ac.nz

EAN meeting dates 2025

  • 5 February
  • 20 March
  • 29 May
  • 17 July
  • 21 August
  • 2 October
  • 20 November

Disability Action Plan Reference Group

The Disability Action Plan (DAP) reference group is a vital part of the DAP.  This group critiques progress and gaps, and helps inform and provide the workstream owners with feedback throughout the four-year life of the DAP. 

For further information please email equity@auckland.ac.nz.  

LGBTQITakatāpui+ and MVPFAFF+ student and staff networks

The LGBTQIATakatāpuiMVPFAFF+ networks are for students and staff who identify with the Rainbow communities. This includes those who are trans and gender diverse. 

They are an opportunity for Rainbow students and staff to meet and share information about services, news and events. They also provide a voice for the University's Rainbow community and a record for issues and activities across the University.·     

Disabled Staff/Staff with Disabilities Network

This network offers support and advocacy for staff with disabilities and impairments, including learning disabilities, mental health, physical disabilities and other disabilities and impairments. We seek to proactively push for change in relation to disabled staff at the University. 

To join the email database and register for network meetings, or to find out more, please email:  staffdiversityequityandinclusion@auckland.ac.nz.

Student Equity Stakeholder Group

Established in 2021, this group comprises University staff members and meets three times per year. Facilitated by the Equity Office Te Ara Tautika, the stakeholder group provides an opportunity for staff members from across the University to engage and discuss a broad range of equity related issues and challenges to participation and success faced by some students studying at the University.

To find out more or to become a member, contact senior research and policy adviser Chantal Creese: c.creese@auckland.ac.nz.

We welcome equity-related networks

We welcome equity-related networks. If you would like your network highlighted, please email equity@auckland.ac.nz.