What we do in Equity
The University achieves equity and diversity including through its plans, policies, monitoring, reporting and guides to best practice.
About equity
Equity is about fairness and justice. The Equity Office leads the Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland's commitment to be a fair and inclusive place to study and work.
Ask us – Equity contacts
Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland staff who can help you with equity-related queries.
A safe, inclusive and equitable University
The practical and pastoral ways that the University is a safe, inclusive and equitable place to study and work.
Accessible University
Guidance on how to ensure accessibility in various ways.
Equity-related committees and networks
Equity-related committees and networks at the University of Auckland.
Equity-related events and resources
Equity events and resources, across the University and beyond.
Equity policies, procedures and legislation
The Equity Office develops research-based policies and guidelines to help ensure our University supports the health, safety and well-being of our students and staff.
Words matter
Diversity, equity, and inclusion related terms with definitions, examples of use, and key information of interest.
Equity related information for staff
Support for Maori and Pacific staff, staff with disabilities, LGBTQITakatāpuiMVPFAFF+ students and staff, carers, working parents, and mature age staff.
Student support
Here you’ll find links to personal support services, leadership and volunteering opportunities, career advice and information about tuition fees.