April 2024

Inside this issue of UniNews: George Laking, grad stories, waka ama event, Deidre Brown's award, Therese Lautua; Writers Festival and more.

April 2024 UniNews cover with George Laking on the cover with other UniNews in the background

Cover story

George Laking: a lifetime of revelations

When a cancer specialist develops a rare form of cancer and considers it a learning experience, that’s dedication to research. George Laking says his time in hospital also proved his point.

Other stories

Riding the waves of waka ama success

Waka ama racing has provided a pathway for engineer Nona Taute to deepen his connection with family, culture and the natural world.

Dame Anne Salmond to be honoured at Writers Festival

The Auckland Writers Festival kicks off in May, with a number of University of Auckland representatives involved.

Māramatanga: Therese Lautua, pondering god

Opinion: Exploring Pacific women's faith and mental well-being reveals the profound impact of their relationship with God.


All these items on interactive PDF 

Te Tai Tokerau grad stories Pg 3

In the News (pg 2 of PDF)

Jaxon Ingold
Haujapuanui Vercoe
Maurice Curtis
Sir Collin Tukuitonga
Janet Fanslow
Wayne Cutfield

'Good to Know' stories 4-6

Space mission blasts off
Round the Bays
Dementia care partnership
Entrepreneur programme
Marine heatwaves

Arts and Culture

Gus Fisher exhibition, pg 10
Dame Anne Salmond Writers Festival  link above to story 
Waka Biography  pg 11


A Different Light: First Photographs of Aotearoa 
Edited by Catherine Hammond and ShaunHiggins, Auckland University Press, $65

Moving Between Cultures Through Arts-Based Inquiry
Ying Wang, Palgrave Macmillan, $129

Unsettling Theologies: Memory, Identity and Place
Edited by Michael Mawson and Brian FiuKolia, Palgrave McMillan