Creative and community partnerships for Fine Arts, Music and Dance

We have strong connections with other universities and employers, as well as creative, professional, government and business organisations throughout New Zealand and the world.

Dance Studies

Kate Riegle van West

Links with industry associations, industry professionals and events

  • Our staff provide regular workshops for the Auckland Dance Educators Network, and our students and graduates are members.
  • Our staff helped establish the Christchurch Dance Educators Network in 2012, and provided regular workshops to industry professionals.
  • Our staff and students have been on the Boards and organization committees of the Tertiary Dance Education Network (TDENNZA) and Dance Aotearoa New Zealand (DANZ).
  • Our programmes regularly connect with local primary (Stanhope Road School) and secondary (Auckland Girls Grammar) schools and other community organizations (Starship Hospital) that employ dance professionals.
  • Our staff and students are regularly engaged as performers within Auckland and Christchurch festivals and events (Tempo, White Nights, The Body Festival).

International links and exchanges

  • We are working within several UNESCO Unitwin Network and observatories.
  • We have a world-leading Dual Masters programme with Beijing Dance Academy in China.
  • We have a long term research relationship with University of the Arts, Helsinki. This project is called ArtsEqual. 
  • We have established new partnerships with the University of Chengdu, China. 
  • Dance Studies has initiated a Silk Road Dance Education Partners research project that connects multiple international organisations.
  • Our staff are members of professional associations such as the World Dance Alliance (Asia Pacific Chapter), Congress on Research in Dance (CORD), Dance and the Child International (DaCI) and the World Alliance of Arts Education (WAAE), and have held executive positions on these organisations.
  • Our staff and student research and performance connects with community dance companies such as VoU in Fiji, El-Funoun in Palestine, Amrita Performing Arts in Cambodia, and Traks Dance in Australia.

Elam School of Fine Arts

Elam at Auckland Art Fair 2018

Links with industry, professionals and events

  • Elam enjoys strong links with local and global events, including the Venice Biennale, the Auckland Triennial and the Auckland Arts Festival.
  • The Elam Advisory Board consists of well-established artists and key philanthropists who help to develop links with industry partners such as gallery directors, other practising artists, patrons and curators.
  • In recent accreditation processes associated with developing a new Elam syllabus, consultation has been made with tertiary providers and galleries such as the Auckland Art Gallery and the Adam Art Gallery, as well as with professional New Zealand artists, Māori stakeholders and key actors in arts education, including tertiary teacher trainers and secondary school teachers.
  • Elam has a tertiary membership with the Artists’ Alliance, which is an organisation that supports artists with connections to industry. Elam students are entitled to all workshops, talks and services that the Alliance provides.
  • In Year 4, students enjoy a professional programme of events that brings curators, critics, practising artists and tax consultants to the School.
  • The Elam Grad Shows themselves are attended by a host of industry representatives including gallery directors, curators and teachers. The shows also provide students with immediate interactions with key industry players.

School of Music

Industry links in the area of performance

  • Formally linked to the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra.
  • Strong links with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra.
  • Strong links with Chamber Music New Zealand.
  • Regular participation by staff and students in Jazz festivals in Auckland area.
  • Our partnership with CJC Creative Jazz Club Aotearoa provides unparalleled performance and collaboration opportunities for our students.
  • Regular participation by staff and students in Auckland Arts Festival.

Links with the recording industry

  • Links with various New Zealand recording companies (in pop, classical and jazz fields).
  • Developing connections with the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Royal College of Music and various other international partners through its KAREN network videoconferencing project.
  • Links within the education sector
  • Strong links with the Institute of Registered Music Teachers (IRMT).
  • Developing formal links with the National Association of Tertiary Music Schools in Australia (NACTMUS).