Applied Language Studies and Linguistics research
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Language Teacher Educator Identity
Author: Gary Barkhuizen
Published: 2021, Cambridge University Press
Details: The author examines who language teacher educators are in the field of language teaching and learning. his includes a description of the different types of language teacher educators working in a range of professional and institutional contexts, an analysis of the reflections of a group of experienced English teacher educators working in Colombia and enrolled in a doctoral program to continue their professional development, and an exposition of the work that language teacher educators do.
Sequence and word frequency
Author: Michael Barlow
Published: 2020, Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 7(2):284-306
Details: It is well-established that the linear ordering of words in a sentence is influenced by a variety of factors that are typically labelled as grammatical, discourse or cognitive constraints. The aim of the present study is to determine whether frequency effects are visible in the sequencing of words in a sentence.
Linguistic Description in English for Academic Purposes
Author: Helen Basturkmen
Published: 2021, Routledge Focus on Linguistics Research Series
Details: The purpose of the Series is provide expert maps to guide readers through evolving areas of linguistics scholarship. The Series features books that provide expert research summaries, guides to key literature and theories. As well as providing an overview of research on the topic, works aims to add theoretical and methodological context to guide future research.
A Critical Approach to Interviewing Academic Elites: Access, Trust, and Power
Author: Louisa Buckingham
Published: 2022, Sage Journals
Details: To date, research on elite interviews has primarily focused on political or business settings in European and Anglo-American contexts. In this study, we examine the procedures involved in conducting elite interviews in academic settings, drawing on fieldwork with 53 senior scholars at 10 universities across five regions of northern China. We provide a detailed, critically reflective account of strategies to gain access, develop trust, and manage the power imbalance.
Unpacking Creativity for Language Teaching
Author: Tan Bee Tin
Published: 2022, London and New York: Routledge
Details: Before unlocking creativity, we must first unpack what it means. In this book, creativity is unravelled from various perspectives and the relevance for language teaching and learning is explored.
Consistent verbal labels promote odor category learning
Author: Norbert Vanek
Published: 2021
Details: Research reported in this study was funded by a Pump Priming Grant awarded to Norbert Vanek by the Department of Education, University of York, and by a start-up grant awarded to Asifa Majid by the Department of Psychology, University of York.We thank Alice Cruickshank for her help during experiment setup, and Haoruo Zhang for her assistance with testing.
Writing using sources for academic purposes: theory, research and practice
Author: Rosemary Wette
Published: 2021, New York: Routledge
Details: Writing Using Sources for Academic Purposes: Theory, Research and Practice provides research-based information about key components of source-based writing, and the challenges it presents for novices. Proficiency in source-based writing is an essential and challenging goal for all inexperienced academic writers, from both L1 and L2 backgrounds.