New Zealand Journal of History

The New Zealand Journal of History is the leading historical journal published in New Zealand.

About the journal

The New Zealand Journal of History is published twice yearly, in April and October, by the University of Auckland. It is currently edited by Professor Linda Bryder from the University of Auckland, and Associate Professor Lyndon Fraser from the University of Canterbury. The journal's book reviews editor is Dr David Littlewood from Massey University. 

Call for papers

We invite new and emerging scholars as well as established academics and historians to submit articles on any aspect of the history of New Zealand Aotearoa. This includes New Zealand’s relationship with the wider world, and specifically the Asia Pacific region. We particularly encourage topics relating to Māori history.

Here you have the opportunity to be published in the leading journal in New Zealand history internationally. Submissions are now open.

For further enquiries contact

View the journal online

You can view the journal online. Please note that you need to subscribe to the journal to see the most recent issues.


An annual subscription includes two issues (April and October).

Institutions: US$100 online only. For subscriptions to Project Muse, email

Individuals: NZ$50 online only plus membership of the New Zealand Historical Association. Students free. (Note: you need to contact the NZHA for these options.)

Order form for institutional subscribers (requires setting up an account)

By phone: +1 410-516-6987
By fax: +1 410-578-2865
By mail: Johns Hopkins University Press, Journals Publishing Division, P.O. Box 19966 Baltimore, MD 21211-0966 USA

Style guide


The editors invite submission of article-length manuscripts (not exceeding 8,000 words including notes) accompanied by an abstract that summarises the argument and significance of the work (not exceeding 150 words).

Articles should conform to the journal's style guide.

Editors and Editorial Board


Linda Bryder and Lyndon Fraser

Book Reviews Editor

David Littlewood

Other Media Reviews Editor

Hatsea Seumanutafa and Paulien Martens

Journal Layout

Diane Curry

Business Manager


Editorial Board

Neill Atkinson | Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Bain Attwood | Monash University
Graeme Ball | Northcote College
Michael Belgrave | Massey University
Charlotte Greenhalgh | University of Waikato
Kate Hunter Victoria | University of Wellington
Jane Lydon | University of Western Australia
Jim McAloon | Victoria University of Wellington
Jatinder Mann | King’s College London
Paul Moon | Auckland University of Technology
Steven Ratuva | University of Canterbury
Greg Ryan | Lincoln University
Angela Wanhalla | University of Otago

Advertising in the NZJH

Advertising rates

Full page: $120 NZD
Hall page: $60 NZD


Page size

242 x 159 mm, with maximum printed area

Full page: 190 x 110 mm

Half page: 93 x 110 mm


Each issue comprises about 100 pages of text printed on good quality offset paper.


Offset - 100 screen maximum


Black only




For copy deadlines for advertising material please contact the Business Manager at

Contact the journal

You can contact us at


New Zealand Journal of History
School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Education
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand