Study options

Find out more about the study options you have at the School of Music, whether it be undergraduate, postgraduate, specialisations or creative practice opportunities.

Undergraduate programmes

  • Bachelor of Music: The Bachelor of Music (BMus) offers a range of study pathways including classical, contemporary and the theoretical aspects of music.

Conjoint degrees

You may choose to combine your BMus with another discipline. Find out more about our conjoint degree options:

BMus Specialisations

For your BMus, you will select one specialisation. Learn about the options you can choose from:

  • Creative Practice: Classical - This specialisation offers individual and ensemble courses for all keyboard and orchestral instruments, guitar and voice.
  • Creative Practice: Composition - This specialisation explores the skills required to create music in today's world.
  • Creative Practice: Jazz - Your studies in this specialisation centre around improvisational-based music.
  • Creative Practice: Popular Music - The Creative Practice: Popular Music specialisation attracts aspiring songwriters and pop music performers.
  • Music Studies - Covering a wide range of sub-disciplines, including music production, music education, musicology and ensemble direction.

Postgraduate programmes

  • Bachelor of Music (Honours): Build upon the skills you learned in an undergraduate music degree with a year of focused study in your area of expertise.
  • Graduate Diploma in Music (GradDipMus): An introduction to postgraduate study for those from another discipline, or with industry experience looking to enhance their academic understanding of music.
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Music (PGCertMus): An introduction to postgraduate study in music. Ideal for furthering skills in your areas of musical interest and building a solid foundation for future masters study or career development.
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Music: Build upon your skills with a year of postgraduate study in your chosen specialisation.
  • Master of Music: Achieve excellence in your main field of musical interest with this internationally recognised qualification.

Doctoral study at the School of Music

The School of Music offers advanced research qualifications in the form of the following options: 

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • PhD with Scholarly Creative Work

Find out more about doctoral study in Music.


Academic staff at the School of Music have a wealth of experience and expertise in research across a broad range.

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