About the School of Social Sciences
We are the largest grouping of academic social scientists in Aotearoa New Zealand and provide a focus for social scientists working at the University of Auckland.

Our diverse school engages critically with studies of politics, culture, and society, researching issues confronting humanity in the past, the present, and into the future.
We are excited to make a difference in your education by sharing with you our knowledge and expertise through our innovative courses and research supervision. Our dedicated and highly reputed staff include specialists engaged with research, creative projects, and teaching in New Zealand and around the world.
We research and teach in anthropology, archaeology, communication, criminology, development studies, gender studies, international relations, media, politics, public policy, public health, and sociology.
Our unique position in Auckland gives us the opportunity to engage with diverse communities, including our Māori and Pacific communities, as well as communities across Asia and the Pacific rim.
We enjoy strong links with social scientists working across the University of Auckland in areas such as economics, environment, law, and population health.