About Te Puna Wānanga
Our school of Māori and Indigenous Education focuses on education and teacher education that is underpinned by tikanga, te reo and mātauranga Māori.

Tēnā koutou katoa.
Nau mai, haere mai. Welcome!
Te Puna Wānanga is the School of Māori and Indigenous Education within the Faculty of Arts and Education. The school has a national and international reputation in the study of Māori education, along with its links to Indigenous education worldwide.
Te Puna Wānanga staff and students are committed to the promotion of Māori tikanga (customs), reo (language) and mātauranga (knowledge). We have a Kaupapa Māori (philosophy), which underpins all our research and teaching.
The school offers undergraduate courses across the faculty on Māori and Indigenous education. Our postgraduate students study a wide range of related topics, ranging from teacher education, language education, language policy, health education, and the history, sociology and philosophy of education.
Explore the significance of Māori and Indigenous education at New Zealand’s leading university and with our staff who are at the forefront of the latest developments in research and teaching.
He mihi ki Ranginui e tū ake nei
Ki Papa-tu-a-nuku e hora nei.
E nga mana, e nga reo, tēnā koutou
Tēnā koutou katoa e nga manu kōrero
Kia kaha kia maia kia manawanui.
He pānui tēnei ki nga manu kōrero, ki nga pouako, ki nga whānau kia mōhio mai ki nga tū āhua e whai
Dr Helene Connor, Head of School