Postgraduate studies at Te Puna Wānanga

Te Puna Wānanga offers postgraduate students an opportunity to be part of a strong Māori and Indigenous student learning community within a supportive whānau (family) environment.

Nau mai ki Te Puna Wānanga. Ko ngā mahi whakaako ka hangai ki te tautoko i ngā tauira Māori me tauira iwi taketake.

We offer masters courses and masters and doctoral research supervision, which seek to strengthen, support, and develop Māori and Indigenous Education in ways that make a positive difference for Māori nationally and Indigenous peoples worldwide.

Our research supervision team is made up of leading educationists in Māori and Indigenous Education and offers a wealth of expertise and knowledge to our students.

Key areas of focus include:

  • Māori and Indigenous language revitalisation, language education, and language policy
  • The critical study of race and ethnicity in education, Kaupapa Māori theory
  • Māori-Pakeha (and wider colonial-Indigenous) educational relationships
  • Indigenous and postcolonial studies in education