About Māori Studies
Māori Studies at the University of Auckland aims to preserve and advance Māori language, culture and society.

Hūtia te rito o te harakeke
Kei hea te komako e ko
E hakatairangitia
Ka rere ki uta
Ka rere ki tai
Ka uia mai ki ahau nei,
"He aha te mea nui o te ao?"
Māku e ki atu,
"He tangata, he tangata, he tangata."
E ngā mana, e ngā reo e ngā huihuinga tāngata
Nau mai, haere mai, tomo mai
Hakaekea ngā wiwi me ngā wawā o Waipapa
Ko te mātāpuna o te ao Māori ki te
Whare Wānanga nei
Ka huri tū ngā mihi ki te hunga
Kua huri tūara atu kua hoki atu ki tāpoko o te rangi
Haere mai haere
E moe mai rā koutou
Ki a tātou te hunga e pupuhia nei e te hau angiangi
Me ngā hau āwhā o te wā
Ka mihi nui atu ki a koutou kua tae mai nei
Ki te whainu i ngā wai e pupū ake nei
Hei oranga tinana, hei oranga ngakāu, hei oranga wairua
Mo ngā whanau, mo ngā hapū me ngā iwi.
Kāti ra i konei
Nau mai, haere mai.
If you pluck out the central leaf from the flax bush
From whence will the Bellbird gain sustenance?
As it flitters hither and thither
As it makes its call and asks of me "What is the greatest thing of this world?"
I will respond, "'tis people, 'tis people, 'tis people."
To those who carry the honour, authority and dignity of the assemblage of people
Welcome, greetings and salutations
Enter, the ramparts of Waipapa
The font for Māori learning within this institution
We acknowledge those who have turned their backs to us and have transcended the divide and have returned via the boggy pathways to the heavens
We bid you farewell and eternal rest
To those of us who are being wafted by the gentle breezes
And the stormy winds of our times
We acknowledge and greet you on your arrival
To sip at the sweet waters that bubble forth
As well being for the body, the heart and soul
For our families, hapu and iwi.
In conclusion
Indeed welcome.