Study abroad in German
We encourage you to study in German-speaking countries to enrich your language studies through cultural experience.

Take a DAAD Winterkurs or sharpen your German before starting your 360 International exchange programme in German speaking countries. DAAD offers a wide range of options as well as the Goethe Institut.
If you are in your first, second or third year of study, you can take language and culture courses in a German-speaking country (for a minimum of four weeks, including 60 hours of taught classes) under the Study Abroad courses GERMAN 178, 277, 278, 377 or 378.
As an honours or masters student you can take university-level language and culture courses in a German-speaking country under the Study Abroad courses GERMAN 777 and 778.
- To be eligible for GERMAN 277/278, you must have a pass grade in GERMAN 200 preferably or a minimum B+ grade in GERMAN 102.
- To be eligible for GERMAN 377/378, you must have a pass grade in GERMAN 301 preferably or a minimum B+ grade in GERMAN 201.
Your proposed courses in overseas institutes
There are three options:
- DAAD Winterkurs, which is a 6-week programme usually taking place in Jan-Feb each year. You also need to apply directly to DAAD at the same time. The term deadline in ViaTRM is set for the DAAD timeframe. Ensure that you do both applications at the same time.
- Attached to 360 International, which is usually a four-week programme (though can be longer if approved) taking place in September (for Semester One in Germany) and March (for Semester Two in Germany) each year. You need to apply for both 360 International Semester Exchange programme and Language Study Abroad in German in ViaTRM.
- The flexible (available year-round) Quarterly terms are set up in ViaTRM.
Things to do before contacting the Study Abroad Adviser:
- Consult the DAAD website and the Goethe Institut website. This will give you a good idea of the most suitable institution for you, which can then be discussed with the adviser.
- Submit an application to the appropriate Term in Language Study Abroad – German in ViaTRM.
Documentation for approval to be supplied on application
Your proposed course must be approved by the Study Abroad Adviser prior to your enrolment and departure. It's essential that you contact the adviser well in advance, provide documentation and obtain approval.
- Up-to-date course details (e.g. web page information or current brochure)
- Up-to-date copy of your academic transcript
Duration of course
A minimum of four weeks' study, including 60 hours of taught classes is required for credit. Proof of the course duration must be supplied. The course must be at an appropriate level for your language proficiency. Please consult your Study Abroad Adviser when compiling your application. As a rough guide:
- If, by the time you embark on the course, you've completed German 201, we expect you to do a course including the appropriate exam at level B1 or B2.1 or higher.
- If, by the time you embark on the course, you've completed German 301, we expect you to do a course including the appropriate exam at level B2.1 or B2.2 or higher.
- If, by the time you embark on the course, you've completed German 302, we expect you to do a course including the appropriate exam at level B2.2 or C1.1 or higher.
- If, by the time you embark on the course, you've completed German 306, we expect you to do a course including the appropriate exam at level C1.1 or C1.2 or higher.
If you take a course lower than the designated proficiency, your grade will be adjusted downwards when credited to your University of Auckland degree.
Documents required on return
On your return, upload your documentation onto the Canvas course:
- Official notification of overall result obtained
- Name of the book used, or all course materials if no book was used
- All marked assignments and tests, if available
- Essay in German
- Recommendation in English
Essay in German
Together with the dossier of coursework completed overseas, submit a written assignment/report in German, outlining your study and life experience overseas or on a topic agreed in advance with the Study Abroad Adviser. This work will be assessed (on the basis of content and linguistic quality) as part of the final grade.
- 700-800 words for GERMAN 277 and 278
- 1000-1200 words for GERMAN 377 and 378
- 1500-1700 words for GERMAN 777 and 778
Recommendation in English
Returning students are requested to provide a recommendation in English for the Study Abroad folder. Please note that this report will not be confidential as it is intended to act as a guide to future students in their choice of courses.
Please comment on such matters as:
- Overall quality of the course
- Appropriateness of the level
- Quality of the teaching
- Usefulness and interest value of the course materials
- Other relevant aspects e.g. organised excursions
Immediately on return
Submit any documentation which has not been or cannot be uploaded in Canvas for a grade to be assigned. You must return documentation to the Study Abroad Adviser by the end of study break and exams or you run the risk of not having your course credited.