Upcoming Arts events

Looking for events to expand your social circle or get career advice? Find out what's happening for Arts students.


Mature Student Careers Programme workshop 1: The key career 'must-knows'

Wednesday 24 July, 1-2pm

Do you sometimes ask yourself ‘Where to after Graduation?' Or wonder how you can accelerate your career after studying? Career Development and Employability Services have created a programme for all mature students considering these questions.

The first workshop is The key career 'must-knows' which focuses on understanding your career identity, building your career capital and personal brand. It will be held at Kate Edger Information Commons, Level 1, Workshop 101


Mature Student Careers Programme workshop 2: Job application tools

Wednesday 1 August, 12-1pm

Do you sometimes ask yourself ‘Where to after Graduation?' Or wonder how you can accelerate your career after studying? Career Development and Employability Services have created a programme for all mature students considering these questions.

This workshop focuses on how to craft a great two-page CV and winning cover letter. It will be held at Kate Edger Information Commons, Level 4, Workshop 420.

Mature Student Careers Programme workshop 3: Networking and using LinkedIn

Wednesday 15 August, 1-2pm

Do you sometimes ask yourself ‘Where to after Graduation?' Or wonder how you can accelerate your career after studying? Career Development and Employability Services have created a programme for all mature students considering these questions.

This workshop focuses on how to network and use LinkedIn efficiently. It will be held at Kate Edger Information Commons, Level 4, Workshop 420.


Mature Student Careers Programme workshop 4: Interviewing like a pro

Wednesday 12 September, 2-3pm

Do you sometimes ask yourself ‘Where to after Graduation?' Or wonder how you can accelerate your career after studying? Career Development and Employability Services have created a programme for all mature students considering these questions.

This workshop focuses on how to interview for a job. It will be held at Kate Edger Information Commons, Level 1, Workshop 101.