
The Faculty of Arts and Education runs a number of mentoring programmes to assist you in your academic journey and transition to university life.


Arts+ is an embedded mentoring programme that supports first-year Arts students in transitioning into university life.  Arts+ mentors help you develop academic skills and will provide you with various social engagement opportunities. 

Study Buddy sessions

The support offered by the Arts+ mentoring community includes Study Buddy sessions where students can:

  • Make connections with their peers
  • Get some study done in a supportive environment
  • Attend workshops aimed at developing their academic skills and professional development
  • Participate in fun activities and enjoy snacks

In addition to these services, a reward system for engaging with these sessions will also be available to first-year students.

Details are made available on the faculty's Facebook and Instagram pages.

Become a mentor or ambassador

The Arts+ mentoring community is a great opportunity to support first-year students' transition to studying at the University of Auckland.

Depending on where you are in your academic journey, you can consider becoming either an Arts+ mentor or an Arts+ ambassador. We're looking for enthusiastic, positive, and committed students to join our community.

Arts+ mentor

You can apply to volunteer as an Arts+ mentor after you have completed one full year of study.

The benefits of becoming an Arts+ mentor include:

  • Engaging with the staff and students of the faculty community
  • Receiving formal recognition as a certificate of participation from the dean
  • Your hours as an Arts+ mentor can contribute to the Community Engagement or Global Citizen path for the University's Co-Curricular Recognition programme
  • Further opportunities for valuable professional development, such as employer networking and cultural competency

Become an Arts+ ambassador

If you have completed at least one semester of study, you can consider becoming an Arts+ ambassador. This can be a stepping stone to becoming an Arts+ mentor.



First Year Experience programme

This programme supports first-year Education and Social Work students by partnering them with a student mentor.

Mentors are current students who have successfully completed their first year at university but remember what it’s like to be lost or confused. They know how the University works and can help new students transition smoothly to university study.

Mentors are good to talk to about small stuff, like how to get an ID card, or big stuff, like if you’re really struggling with your studies. If they don’t know the answer, they can help find someone who does. 

What to expect

Students can expect regular emails from their mentors. They will send a greeting at the beginning of the term and provide the opportunity to meet face-to-face. Once they have contact with your mentor, students can ask questions or get advice at any time. No question is silly.

The First Year Experience team provides timely advice about major assignments, exam times, etc. They will also send emails about fun stuff happening on campus so you can enjoy some downtime between studies. There will be plenty of opportunities to get together with other Year One students and mentors for some food, drink and a chat.

Become a mentor

When you're in your second year, why not sign up to become a mentor yourself? It's fun; you get to meet great people and feel good about helping others, plus professional development opportunities are involved. We'll give you training and regular support.

If you're interested, fill in this form, and we'll be in touch to talk about the role.


Rebekah Williams
Student Support and Engagement Manager
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 48855

Arts International

International Student Mentor programme

Our Arts International student mentors will provide you with ongoing support throughout your studies in Arts. To find out more, email the International Student Support Adviser, DIna Isber.

If you would like to volunteer as a mentor, fill out an expression of interest form.

Connect with us

Get in touch with your Arts International Student Support Adviser and stay connected through events, pastoral support and connecting with Arts International student mentors.

Stay up to date and get to know your mentors through our social media pages for Arts International students. You will also receive regular emails from your adviser, so remember to check your University email frequently.

Contact your adviser

Dina Isber
Student Engagement Office, Level 4, 10 Symonds Street

Find out more about the wider Student Engagement team and book an appointment here.

Social media

Facebook: Join the group

Instagram: @artsintuoa2023

International Mentor Programme - creative arts

The International Mentor Programme connects Music, Fine Arts and Dance students with support and opportunities at the University. The mentor team keeps students updated on what’s happening on campus through regular communication, events, and workshops, and it provides ongoing support throughout the academic year.

The programme is open to all Music, Dance Studies and Fine Arts students, focusing on new students.

Our international mentors

Our mentors are high-performing students who are well-integrated into faculty and school culture. They’re responsible for making new students feel welcome and comfortable in their new environment by acting as a point of contact and offering support.

Contact us

If you have questions or comments regarding the International Mentor Programme, contact our Student Support and Engagement team.


International Mentor Programme on social media:

Follow our Instagram page