Postgraduate allowances
Postgraduate allowances are for students in Music, Fine Arts and Dance Studies.

What is the postgraduate allowance?
Postgraduate allowances are a single reimbursable claim for direct and allowable costs (see below) related to your study. They can only be claimed once within the current year of study and will not be applied to enrolment extensions.
They are calculated based on the number of points enrolled in the current year up to 120-point full-time equivalent.
Who is eligible?
Annual postgraduate allowances are available to support postgraduate students in the School of Music, Elam School of Fine Arts and the Dance Studies programme.
Postgraduate students in Arts are eligible for the Graduate student stipend.
Note: Students on international inbound exchange are not eligible for postgraduate allowances.
How to make a reimbursement claim:
- A postgraduate allowance balance confirmation must be obtained before making your claim by emailing with PG allowance in the subject heading and your name and ID number in the message.
- This balance confirmation will be regarded as the supervisor's approval to attach to the claim.
- All reimbursements must be submitted through the Concur student reimbursement system no later than 18 December each year.
If you have any issues getting into Concur, refer to the Concur student reimbursement FAQs or contact the Shared Transaction Centre on 09-923-6410.
Coding details for CONCUR
Coding details for CONCUR reimbursement claim must state the following:
- Report name labelled as “PG allowance”
- The department will be 1005 with no project/project activity/source type
- Product must be either:
SOAP – School of Architecture & Planning
DANCE – Dance Studies
DESGN – Design Programme
ELAM – Elam School of Fine Arts
MUSIC – School of Music - Expense type will be “Student expenses” for all expense lines
Reimbursable costs
Some examples of reimbursable direct costs allowable are:
- Equipment user charges
- Consumables (including external hard drives, printer toner and paper)
- Photocopying, printing and binding (that are not subsidised by the library or faculty)
- Interlibrary Loan charges (that are not subsidised by the library or faculty)
Costs that cannot be claimed
Costs that cannot be claimed are:
- Capital items purchased in full or in part (e.g. computers, printers, fax machines and furniture)
- Fines (e.g. parking fines)
- Purchase of books
- Employing people or contract organisations
- Reimbursement of internet charges
For any rare circumstances not clearly covered above, please contact the Finance team.
CAI Postgraduate Allowance Allocation Rates
Claims may be processed at net of GST if supported by the appropriate documentation.
From 2022, the allocation is based on a pro-rata full-time enrolment of up to 120 points at:
- $500 per annum for doctoral/PhD students
- $250 per annum for masters-level students
- $150 per annum for postgraduate diploma and honours-level students*
* This applies to:
- Bachelor of Music (Hons) programme
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons), Year 4 only
- Bachelor of Arts/Fine Arts (Hons), Year 4 only
- Bachelor of Urban Planning, Year 4 only
For example, for a part-time enrolled masters student at 60 points for 2022, the allocation would equate to $125 ($250 ÷ 120 x 60).