About us

Our mission is to be a world-leading, interdisciplinary research centre for the study of global childhoods and the early years.

A child plays with sticks under a tree.

Over the past few years, scholarly interest and research in childhood studies has undergone substantial growth. This scholarship is interdisciplinary and global in nature. The Centre for Global Childhoods serves as a nexus that brings together a wide range of faculty, universities and international collaborators. By making these connections, the Centre enables the growth of global childhoods research as a rich, inclusive, and interdisciplinary field.

Our objectives are:

  • To undertake and disseminate cutting edge, collaborative research
  • Provide scholarly expertise and leadership in the Asia Pacific region and globally
  • Engage in research-informed capacity building and consultancy across the Asia Pacific region
  • Build the capacity of scholars and research students to collaborate on high impact, collaborative and inclusive interdisciplinary research

Connect with us

Search for staff involved in our research or reach out if you have any queries: childhoods@auckland.ac.nz