Co-creating sustainable societies
Including 'Wellbeing and equality across generations' and 'Liveability, ecology and infrastructure'

Wellbeing across generations
Document Description: This policy briefing outlines the methods for development of targets that would reduce, by 20%, the total sugar content of packaged foods and beverages commonly consumed by New Zealand children.
Disaster Preparedness and Resilience among Auckland’s Pacific Peoples. Size: 434.3 kB.
Document Description: This policy brief considers disaster risk reduction (DRR) messaging and policy with Pacific peoples living in Auckland communities. Pacific peoples account for a large portion of the city’s population, and are underserved in current disaster awareness efforts.

Air Pollution Exposure in Walking School Bus Routes: A New Zealand Case Study. Size: 348.7 kB.
Document Description: Walking School Buses, organized groups for children to walk to school under the supervision of adults, help reduce traffic congestion and contribute towards exercise.
Youth Service and Money Management in New Zealand. Size: 423.7 kB.
Document Description: This research fills an important gap in our knowledge about the fundamental assumptions behind the Youth Service and Money Management and whether they are able to ensure the well-being of young people as they are supported in the transition from childhood to adulthood.

Document Description: Our findings suggest that public health programmes and services that genuinely seek to address equity for Māori youth, will ensure cultural programming and policies that are culturally and developmentally specific, as core components of any mental health and suicide prevention strategy.
Challenges in the provision of mental healthcare. Size: 150.7 kB.
Document Description: Even with comprehensive mental health services, prisons are ultimately damaging; a steady simmering of multiple harms and indifference.
Infant food security in New Zealand. Size: 140.8 kB.
Document Description: Using the infant food consumption, breastfeeding, and maternal food-related coping data collected at nine months from mothers in the Growing Up in New Zealand cohort, we developed a food security index for New Zealand infants and examined its association with socio-economic and demographic covariates, and health outcomes.
School-based health services and improving students' mental health. Size: 320.2 kB.
Document Description: Mental health problems are global, and a common burden for adolescents. One avenue for improving access and support for adolescents is through school-based health services (SBHS).

Measuring and managing health system performance in New Zealand. Size: 216.7 kB.
Document Description: In July 2016, New Zealand introduced a new approach to measuring and monitoring health system performance — the ‘Systems Level Measure Framework’ — designed to stimulate a 'whole of system' approach requiring inter-organisational collaboration for planning and achieving improved health outcomes.
Locating methamphetamine manufacture in New Zealand. Size: 151.5 kB.
Document Description: There are strong regional trends in methamphetamine lab location that cannot be effectively explained by socio-demographic or ecological factors. Social norms in communities also matter, meaning community action groups could become a focus for intervention.
Liveability, ecology and infrastructure

Disaster Response and Risk Management Research Hub
Disaster response is a multifaceted area that often involves speed in decision-making. Such decision-making is likely to be more effective when it is research-informed and technically feasible. The formation of a Disaster Response and Risk Reduction Resource Hub at the University of Auckland provides a platform that can amalgamate research expertise from multiple disciplines. The hub includes engineering expertise (e.g. infrastructure safety, technology), public health expertise (e.g. preventative medical interventions, emergency treatment), education and training expertise (e.g. frontline staff capacity building), communications expertise (e.g. public understanding of risk adaptation and response, media communications), social science expertise (to address inequities in disaster responses), social psychology expertise (to inform post-disaster support), legal expertise (e.g. to address legal issues such as liability risk, post-disaster legislative changes) and policy expertise (e.g. preparing national guidelines and prevention frameworks).

Aggregate Road Passenger Travel Demand in New Zealand. Size: 328.2 kB.
Document Description: Are disturbances in demand for the four major road passenger transport choices correlated?
Disaster Preparedness and Resilience among Auckland’s Pacific Peoples. Size: 434.3 kB.
Document Description: This policy brief considers disaster risk reduction (DRR) messaging and policy with Pacific peoples living in Auckland communities. Pacific peoples account for a large portion of the city’s population, and are underserved in current disaster awareness efforts.

Air Pollution Exposure in Walking School Bus Routes: A New Zealand Case Study. Size: 348.6 kB.
Document Description: Walking School Buses, organized groups for children to walk to school under the supervision of adults, help reduce traffic congestion and contribute towards exercise.
The effects of access and accessibility on public transport users' attitudes. Size: 344.0 kB.
Document Description: With trip-making behaviour in Auckland growing in complexity in terms of purpose and spatial destinations, challenges arise in providing an attractive public transport system.

Policy strategies for inclusive renewable energy in Aotearoa New Zealand. Size: 236.5 kB.
Document Description: New Zealand faces a range of challenges in reorienting its energy infrastructure to address both climate mitigation and adaptation goals. These include ensuring that the shift to a decarbonised, distributed energy system is economically efficient, meets energy security needs and is socially just.
Document Description: The links between poor housing quality and New Zealand’s high incidence of health-related fatality are well recognised.

Hot property in New Zealand: Housing bubbles in the metropolitan centres. Size: 316.6 kB.
Document Description: Housing has become prohibitively expensive in many regions of New Zealand, putting home ownership beyond the reach of a growing number of New Zealand households, particularly those without wider sources of family financial support.