Connect and Kōrero

Innovating to amplify refugee and ethnic migrant youth voice in Aotearoa New Zealand policy.

Young people across the globe celebrate opportunities to express their voices and contribute when those opportunities are meaningful. Unfortunately, traditional, adult-driven approaches to youth participation are often tokenistic and can alienate rather than attract young people’s involvement. This issue is particularly the case with policy development, where important decisions that impact young people’s lives are made.

A team consisting of young people and adults working with the Centre for Asia Pacific Refugee Studies at the University of Auckland – Waipapa Taumata Rau and the Innovation Unit partnered with the Ministry of Youth Development (MYD) - Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi to co-design and implement an innovative initiative to address this noted policy gap.

This report provides an overview of the 18-month project, which was delivered over multiple phases with ethnic young people, community leaders and policymakers.

Read the final report.