Guidelines for Co-produced Research with Refugees
and Other People with Lived Experience of Displacement

In May 2023, CAPRS was proud to work closely with a range of institutions to contribute to the production of the Guidelines for Co-produced Research with Refugees and Other People with Lived Experience of Displacement. These guidelines seek to provide clear principles and strategies for individuals and organisations interested in undertaking, supporting or learning more about research that is co-produced with refugees and other people with lived experience of displacement. The guidelines are intended for researchers with and without lived experience of displacement. They are also designed for stakeholders with an interest in co-produced research, such as universities, governments, donors, ethics review committees, NGOs, intergovernmental organisations and community groups that may be involved in or impacted by the research.
These guidelines draw upon a thorough review of current evidence on co-produced research. They are also informed by the views and experiences of a variety of stakeholders, including several refugee representatives, refugee-led networks, academic institutions, NGOs, intergovernmental organisations, and researchers with expertise in co-produced research. These stakeholders provided input into these guidelines through an international consultation process over six months that included opportunities for written and oral feedback. Further detail about this consultation process, including the names of individuals and organisations who generously contributed to the development of these guidelines, can be found in the Consultation Information Sheet.