Evan Jones

Evan is the CAPRS South-East Asia based Project Manager. He graduated from the University of New South Wales with a BA in European Studies, and a Master of International Development Studies. He has worked on human rights and refugee protection issues for almost a decade, with most of his work focused in the Asia-Pacific region.
Evan has worked for a number of regional and international refugee organisations including the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) in Thailand, and Asylum Access in Malaysia. During his time in Asia, he has been a core driver of a range of advocacy and capacity-building initiatives across South Asia, East Asia, and Australia and New Zealand. Evan has also previously worked in various policy development roles with the Australian Government in Canberra, primarily focusing on international social security policy and portability of government payments. Evan has extensive policy and advocacy experience at national, regional and international levels. He has also been a Board member of the International Detention Coalition since 2018.
Contact: evan.jones@auckland.ac.nz