Visiting Scholar Programme

Learn about the unit's Visiting Scholar Programme.

The Visiting Scholar Programme supports visits to the Research Unit by scholars in the field of critical studies in Health Education, Physical Education and Sports Studies. We welcome applications from academics at all levels of seniority and at all stages of their careers.

The main objectives of the Visiting Scholar Programme are:

  • To enable visits by scholars whose presence in the department is likely to have a positive impact on the teaching or research outputs of unit members
  • To facilitate international academic communication and co-operation by assisting the exchange of scholars
  • To provide the unit with academic stimulus through seminars, lectures and/or workshops delivered by the Visiting Scholar
  • To create for the Visiting Scholar the opportunity to engage in research in an alternative academic environment
  • To contribute to research by collaboration between Visiting Scholars and members of academic staff

The Visiting Scholar Programme applies to all academic researchers regardless of their intended length of stay. The department can host a number of visitors
each year (sometimes simultaneously).

Visiting scholar activities

Visiting Scholars are expected to actively undertake research during their stay in the research unit. In some instances Visiting Scholars may also be invited to
contribute some teaching in their areas of expertise. 

A Visiting Scholar is expected to present at least one academic seminar, lecture
or workshop on a specialist topic of current interest. This seminar will be presented to staff and graduate students of the Research Unit, but will be advertised widely and open to the general academic and professional community.

During the period of the visit, the Visiting Scholar will be encouraged to actively explore opportunities for ongoing collaborative research with members of the Research Unit. Selection will give preference to Visiting Scholars who have a proposal for collaborative research with the sponsor from the unit.


The Visiting Scholar will be provided with academic facilities within the Faculty of Arts and Education on the University of Auckland’s City Campus for the duration of their visit. The unit cannot assist with any funding for the Visiting Scholar’s travel or accommodation expenses.

It is expected that each Visiting Scholar will be actively sponsored by a current member of the Richard Tinning Research Unit. The sponsor will be responsible for:
  • Assisting the prospective Visiting Scholar to complete the application form specifying the aims and objectives of the visit.
  • Keeping the prospective Visiting Scholar informed about the progress on the application and arrangements for the visit.
  • At the conclusion of the visit, submitting a brief report outlining the research outcomes from the visit. This report should include the following details: titles, dates and locations of seminars or presentations by the Visiting Scholar, an outline of the research outputs accomplished during the visit (if any), including the title and anticipated publication details of any academic papers.

How to apply

Applications for a Visiting Scholarship must be made via an email application to the Richard Tinning Research Unit Director,  Associate Professor Alan Ovens. Email:

Applications must be submitted at least one month before the proposed visit.

Note: While many international visiting scholars do not need a visa to enter New Zealand, some may. Obtaining a visa will be the responsibility of the prospective visiting scholar.

Even if no visa is required to enter New Zealand, visiting scholars may need to provide a letter of invitation on arrival at the airport. The department is able to provide a letter of invitation.   

Please include the following details in your Visiting Scholar Programme application:

Visiting Scholar Programme Application details
Contact email address
Home institution and address
Dates of proposed visit and length of stay
Areas of interest/expertise
Name of sponsor. All applications require an academic sponsor from the Richard Tinning Research Unit who has agreed to act as your sponsor.
Research Statement - Please write a brief statement about the research you intend to carry out at the Richard Tinning Research Unit during your visit. This information may be posted on our website.
Please indicate what facilities (if any) you require during your visit, e.g. office/desk, computer, internet/wireless access. Please note that not all facilities may be available.

Please email the above information and a current CV to the Director of the Richard Tinning Research Unit, Associate Professor Alan Ovens, email: