International collaboration
The centre collaborates with international leaders, institutions and teachers to help them achieve their strategic goals for learners in their communities.
Collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

The centre has a developing collaboration with NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) through research and publication collaborations. The Department of Teacher Education at NTNU is Norway’s largest educational research environment, focusing on understanding teaching and learning, and collaborating with schools and districts to build capacity for excellence in education.
One of the centre’s Associate Directors, Associate Professor Mei Lai, is leading a research project involving Professor Henning Fjørtoft from NTNU to redesign how data from reading assessments are presented and discussed with teachers. There have also been knowledge exchanges with Professor Fjørtoft visiting the centre in 2017. Associate Professor Lai will be a visiting academic at NTNU in May 2020, and will deliver two key addresses, one public and the second to the university on the use of data in educational interventions for equity. Professor Fjørtoft and Associate Professor Lai are also co-chairs International for Division H, American Educational Research Association (2019-2020).
Collaboration with the University of Twente (Netherlands)

The Centre has a long-standing collaboration with the University of Twente through research and publication collaborations. There have been knowledge exchanges, with Associate Professor Schildkamp visiting Woolf Fisher in 2010 and 2012, and Associate Professor Lai visiting the University of Twente in 2014 where she presented and discussed the intervention model used at the Woolf Fisher Research Centre. The University of Twente and the Woolf Fisher Research Centre represented by AP Schildkamp, Dr Poortman and AP Lai jointly presented at the 2014 Interuniversitair Centrum voor Onderwijswetenschappen Fall school (Belgium) comparing Dutch and NZ interventions. AP Schildkamp and AP Lai have collaborated on various publications, including a recent book chapter for the Handbook for Human and Social Conditions in Assessment. Dr Poortman and AP Lai served as Co-chairs for Division H international, American Educational Research Association.