The Project Hui: An innovative virtual exchange programme for preservice teachers in New Zealand and China
Hui is a 6-week digital international exchange programme to bring together preservice teachers and education experts from three partner universities in New Zealand and China.

The Hui project aims to design, implement, and evaluate a pilot trial of a virtual exchange programme for preservice. The three partners (Beijing Normal University, Qinghai Normal University, and the University of Auckland) co-design the 6-week virtual exchange programme, which aims to expose preservice teachers to cutting-edge educational topics and intercultural collaborations around real-world educational issues.
There will be six modules covering the research expertise of the three partners, including educational psychology, effective teaching pedagogy, researcher-practitioner collaboration, and education equity.
Experts from the three institutions will give topic-related talks, and students will be encouraged to discuss and draw connections with implications for classroom practice. Students will participate in weekly online activities, including teaching scenarios, student collaborations, student-expert communications, and student reflective diaries.
For further information about the Project Hui please contact Principal Investigator Dr Serene Shengnan Wang.