Having supportive doctoral supervisors paved the way for Katherine Higgins to develop and facilitate collaborative projects with visiting artists at MIT.
Meet Katherine
Bernie completed a Master of Arts in Anthropology and is now an archaeologist with Clough & Associates.
Hear Bernie’s story
Isaac McIvor completed a Master of Arts in Anthropology and now works as an archaeologist for Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.
Find out more about Isaac’s study

Ben used the skills he learned from a Master of Arts in Anthropology to become a consulting archaeologist with Clough & Associates.
Read Ben’s experience
Laura use the skills from her Master of Arts as a specialist archaeologist in the Heritage Unit at Auckland Council.
Read Laura’s story
Sophie Miller uses the problem solving skills she learned in her Master of Arts as an archaeologist with the International Archaeological Research Institute.
Read Sophie’s story
Edward Ashby’s study gave him skills that are crucial to his role as senior specialist in Māori heritage at Auckland council.
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Rebecca uses the skills from her Master of Arts to promote and protect archaeological sites.
Hear from Rebecca