Associate manager
Michael Liddle's Bachelor of Arts fostered his ability to construct creative data displays and present complex ideas in an accessible and engaging way.

Key facts
Career: Associate manager in Hasbro's Global Consumer Insight division in London, in the Strategic Foresight team
Programme: Bachelor of Arts
Subjects: Media, Film and Television; Philosophy
"I actually swapped from Engineering to Arts after my second year of study.
"I was drawn to the Faculty of Arts after becoming the film reviewer in Craccum. Studying there was so much more interesting and engaging than almost any other faculty. Process engineering and fluid flow analysis just couldn't compare!
"Hasbro is one of the largest toy manufacturers in the world, owning brands like Monopoly, Transformers, My Little Pony, GI:Joe, Play-Doh, Nerf and Littlest Pet Shop, and the main licensor for films such as Star Wars, The Avengers, Spider-Man and Jurassic World.
"The best part of my current role is the impact my work has on aiding and influencing upper management's decisions. Recently I created a quick one page summary of our top eight markets for the President of Hasbro Brands, who was very impressed with the simplicity and the engaging format of the data I presented.
"I've found that the ability to construct creative data displays and the practise of writing essays, short stories and reviews has been crucial in my career. You wouldn't believe the amount of researchers and insight generators that like to data dump, or provide 100+ page reports or presentations instead of short, streamlined, visually-interesting documents.
"The ability to quickly find pertinent data or information from a wall of text and the ability to deduct or formulate an appropriate hypothesis from data are skills that were fostered in my time at the Faculty of Arts.
"In an arts degree it is possible to cross-pollinate across different fields of study. This frequently allows for ideas and combinations of approaches that are unavailable to people that have too narrow a scholastic focus."