Director of the New Zealand Maritime Museum
Vincent Lipanovich stuck with the subject that excited him and paved the way for a successful career in our museums.

Key facts
Career: Director of the New Zealand Maritime Museum
Programme: Master of Arts
Subjects: History
"I have just started as Director of the New Zealand Maritime Museum, and I am looking forward to making a difference in this important national cultural institution. Prior to this I spent the last eight years in a variety of roles at the Auckland War Memorial Museum, most recently running their Visitor Services and Protocol department.
"I began my BA as a conjoint with Law, but realised after the second year that History was where my passion really lay, and decided to stick with a topic that excited me.
"My time in the Faculty of Arts gave me the ability to process large quantities of information and to reflect on it critically. It also gave me the ability to express myself well through what I write. This has been a massive boon, as communication is essential in all professions.
"My advice for students or graduates that want to work in my field is to volunteer. Employers like degrees, but they like experience just as much, if not more. Museums always need volunteers, and you'll learn skills and make contacts that will help you throughout your career.
"Ensure you pick a subject you love. You're not at school anymore, so you have to pick something that will motivate you to work. And make the most of the range of courses available; you will never have a greater chance to broaden your mind and education than while doing an arts degree."