Sales operations executive

Aileen Cheng works with multiple stakeholders across the supply chain in her role as a sales operations executive with Fonterra.

Aileen Cheng

Key facts

Career: Sales operations executive for Fonterra
Programme: Bachelor of Arts
Subjects: Media, Film and Television; English

"In my current role as a sales operations executive with Fonterra, I manage and execute export shipping orders by working with multiple stakeholders across the supply chain to deliver dairy ingredient solutions to our customers and drive value back to our farmers in New Zealand.

"The most enjoyable part of my role is resolving issues initiated from changes in export and import market regulations in dairy products. Working in Singapore has also given me the opportunity to be closer to my customers and get to know the diverse landscape and cultural backgrounds of the market and the people.

"I chose to study at the University of Auckland because it is a world-class university and offers unique learning experiences and student services. I chose to study in the Faculty of Arts because I am interested in the changing landscape of media and how it integrates with our daily lives. My second major in English enabled me to follow my passion for storytelling and immerse myself in studying human behaviour across different genres and applying this to how we connect with people and products through social media.

"My advice to anyone considering studying at the University of Auckland is to be open to studying different subjects to give yourself a broad knowledge base. My study and interest in English and Media Studies helped me to secure my first job in the advertising industry and the skills you acquire in an arts degree are applicable to many careers."