Program strategist
A Master of Public Policy equipped Eddie Tuiavii with the skills to understand issues that impact on the ability of voters and candidates to participate in local elections.

Key facts
Career: Senior advisor voter participation, Auckland Council
Programme: Master of Public Policy
Subjects: Public Policy
"The Senior Advisor Voter Participation leads the development and implementation of the Voter Participation Initiative, which aims to increase voter participation in local elections.
"The role addresses the issues that impact on the ability of voters and candidates to participate in local elections, encourages increased voter participation and candidate diversity and advocates for electoral reforms.
"No two days are ever the same which provides excitement and positive contrast. I provide expert advice on programming, partnerships and innovative initiatives across my team, department, organisation and within the community, in an effort to boost civic participation and normalise positive voter behaviour.
"The MPP programme gave me a firm foundation in the core principles, concepts and methods of public policy research and analysis and developed my potential for leadership in local and national government.
"It also provided lots of great opportunities for collaboration on research projects, exposure to workplace settings and nuances through external internships and for leadership development through interaction with politicians, leaders and international networks. Having since worked for organisations with thousands of employees, I've engaged each role confidently with all the skills necessary to fulfil the role!
In a fast-paced world with fast-changing trends, an Arts degree will best prepare you for that, while future-proofing your skills!
"The Arts had plenty to offer in terms of diversity, appeal and flexibility and gives you the freedom to pursue the things that interest you the most, catering to both personal preference and professional knowledge and skills for your dream job."