Senior local board adviser

A double major in Sociology and History equipped Christie McFadyen with the research and analysis skills to work as a senior local board adviser.

Christie McFadyen

Key facts

Career: Senior local board adviser
Programme: Bachelor of Arts
Subjects: Sociology; History

"I work for Auckland Council as a senior local board adviser for one of Auckland's 21 local boards. Local boards are responsible for decision-making on local issues, activities and services while providing input into regional strategies, policies and plans. Local boards also have a role in representing the views of their communities on issues of local importance. My role is to support the local board in this governance role and support the organisation in their work with the local board.

"Key skills that I gained from studying Arts, and use in my job, are research and analysis. Part of my role is to be able to find information, analyse it and make an appropriate recommendation for the situation.

"Writing and reviewing are also key skills I use in my job. I'm frequently writing a variety of documentation, or reviewing other people's work, so being able to write articulately and with clarity enables me to provide good advice, direction and guidance through my own work, but also when giving feedback to others.

Key skills that I gained from studying Arts, and use in my job, are research and analysis. Part of my role is to be able to find information, analyse it and make an appropriate recommendation for the situation.

"The knowledge I gained from majoring in History and Sociology also enabled me to understand and appreciate how societies change over time, and how individuals relate to society.

"I chose to study Arts because of the choices it offered in terms of subjects, postgraduate studies and career pathways. By studying Arts I was able to take a variety of subjects which enabled me to find my interest and passion in History and Sociology, and become better-rounded in the skills and knowledge I could bring to the workplace."