Production assistant

Waimarama Mulqueen's Arts degree was the pathway to her job putting live events to air at SKY TV.

Key facts

Career: Production assistant
Programme: Bachelor of Arts
Subjects: Psychology; Māori Studies

"My current job is Production Assistant in the Sports Production Department at SKY TV. I work on different sports throughout the year, depending on the seasons. My main priority is to help create the content for both our live coverage and our weekly shows. Tasks can vary between script writing, editing, going offsite to shoot a story or more organisational tasks like compiling or liaising between different departments

"One of the most recent highlights for me has been working on our Winter Olympics coverage for PyeongChang 2018, but also on our All Whites coverage for their World Cup Qualifying campaign, and the Netball Quad Series.

The communication skills I learnt in my Arts study have been some of the most crucial. 

"There are a lot of moving parts that all need to work together, so I've found that being able to organise and communicate is vital. I also do a lot of writing and scripting, so the confidence and writing skills honed during my degree come in handy too.

"My advice would be to try everything that interests you, rather than stick to one or two subjects. It was the media course I took in my final year that was my gateway to the industry, and if I had stuck with just studying Psychology I wouldn't have ended up where I am today. You get such a strong foundation in an Arts degree that I really believe that it sets you up for anything."